US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

I guess we’ll be waiting for an apology from conspiracy fantasist @The_Ulterior_Motive who claimed the shooter was left wing.

“Channel 4 News can reveal that Thomas Crooks’s, [the shooter’s] father, the owner of the rifle that was used to shoot at Donald Trump, was held on a database and profiled by the former president’s election campaign and identified by them as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. The information was compiled as part of a secret Republican project to gather data on millions of gun owners across America and use it to target pro-gun messages in the run up to the 2016 election…We know they profiled them using secret computer models to identify likely gun owners and enthusiasts, and Mr. Crooks scored very highly, 0.99 out of 1 for being a gun owner and 0.95 out of one 1 being a hunter. In fact, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park who were profiled, Mr. Crooks was in the top 20 and the database classified him as a strong GOP or Republican voter.”

What’s the motive so? Disgruntled conservative upholding gop values, lone nut, Epstein??

Which ahooter? The one from 120 yds or the one feom 450?

Oh wow! A conspiracy? :man_shrugging:t2:

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All the point scoring argument’s about if the shooter was a democrat or a republican, who gives a shit? He’s just some lunatic that decided to take a pop at Trump rather than shooting up a school


Shur anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of ballistic acoustics, could detect two eifles taking part in the attack

Was there even a shooter. I thought the Marxist agitators said it was all fake?


Trump was meant to catch the bullet with his teeth

They should shoot at him again and see if he catches it the next time.

Here’s a commemorative jigsaw made earlier. A business man through and through, never miss a trick


FAO of @Spidey

What’s the worst realistic thing trump will do over the next four years do you think?
Is there any hope he does relatively fuck all bar poison the atmosphere around the place like the last time?

FAO of @Spidey

Hilarious and brilliant evisceration of JD Vance by this woke comedian


I give you the next Attorney General of the United States

Like a 16 year old Armagh supporter at 3:20pm on July 28th, 2024 after drinking three bottles of Buckfast

I wouldn’t make a good photographer. There’s no way I’d be able to keep taking photos in that situation. I’d be in to kick the cunt while he was down.

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The Simpsons was right about everything

@Cheasty, you’ve definitely compared Trump to Hitler, have you done a post yet comparing Trump’s takeover of the Republicans to Hitler’s takeover of the nazi party and ultimately Germany?

Schiff is easily the most influential Democrat so far to call for Biden to drop out.

Hitler didn’t have much to take over in the Nazi party. Trump took over a party which had existed for 160 years. But he only exposed its true nature.

This is great….