US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

It seems self evident that the Republican candidate is a front for an international cabal of fascist kleptocrat dictators and fascist crypto bro oligarchs who want to crash the dollar and the entire global financial system and replace it with something much, much worse.

I read the article linked to here about two years ago. It’s like a written version of an Adam Curtis documentary.

However nuts you think they are, they are way, way more nuts than that.

Musk and Thiel are literally caricatured Bond film style global supervillains.

People may laugh but it won’t change the reality of what they are. Trump has to be defeated and Musk and Thiel need to be defeated.

If we were in different times, Musk, Thiel and Trump would hang or have their heads chopped off. Life in prison would be acceptable and just however.

1/People find it counterintuitive that people like Musk or Thiel would risk financial collapse because they think they wouldn’t put their own wealth at risk. But that’s wrong. They aren’t playing for gains within the current dollar system; they are aiming to end it…

2/and believe they will come out on top. They don’t believe fiat dollars are “real.” They want to shift to currencies based in gold, hard assets, and crypto — same as Putin/Xi/BRICS. So to them, this is all just a game. We saw this in the 1930s…

3/with the “Business Plot” to take out Roosevelt; funders were willing to lose half their wealth to “save” the other half. They view the dollar as a sinking ship, and they want off — at any cost. This is fundamentally a wrong view…

4/but it was their motivation. Situation now is no different, but now these reactionaries have the help of Russia and China to try to take out the dollar together. Your savings are at risk. Theirs aren’t. That’s why this is a danger.

And this is why Musk buying Twitter for $44bn — a deal denominated in dollars he never intends to pay back, because he literally intends to destroy the dollar — is nothing more than a huge joke to him.

People without money think people with money are motivated by more money.

But people with money are motivated by power. Money is just a symptom of power.

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Some serious conspiracy theories being bandied about in here.


Any chance you might fuck off to 4Chan or some Incel forum you’d feel more at home on, you racist creep?

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Scam scam scam

The rage is never far from the surface with a narcissist. To see it all you have to do is dismiss their opinion and they’ll explode… It’s just too easy.

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You’ve had about seven or eight different accounts here over the years and been dismissed each time.

You’re a genuine racist shit Robert and I’d say that to your face if I ever met you. Now fuck off like a good lad and take your fellow racist gobshites with you, or at least the burner accounts you operate.

The rage is unreal. Straight to his old favourite technique of doxxing :grinning:… Serious, serious rage.
The mods can confirm that only one account is allowed here at a time.

We need an Irish athlete running soon to keep this lunatic occupied

Says the fella that posted this :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Lads with autism can’t do sarcasm nor humour :person_shrugging:t2:


being a cunt isnt autism



Nah. You need niggle between himself and the centre. He sets the edge.

Lads who spend their whole day on Twitter eventually do go full conspiracy theories nuts.


This isn’t The West Wing.

The Harris campaign has been very smart so far. They’ve basically done everything I would have done.

They’ve reclaimed the positive sounding buzzwords from the Republicans and made freedom the word of their campaign.

They’ve successfully turned the tables on Trump in the social media battleground through mockery and ridicule.

And they’ve made a very positive VP pick, the sort of pick that has the Beltway insiders and shitlibs seething.

This is how you actually win a campaign.

Harris is by no means certain to win because the Republicans and their corporate fascism complex have successfully poisoned America with hate over many decades to such an extent that Trump could win despite being basically Hitler.

But she hasn’t put a foot wrong so far. The momentum is with her.

You came on here to try and doxx a rape complainant, mate.

Then you tried to ally with a guy who called you a rape apologist for years because you had nobody else.

I made a very mild post on the conspiracy theories being posted here and was savagely attacked, doxxeed and insulted with a load of lies told about me. Bar wan barb at @Turenne I’ve never said anything racist on this site. It’s shocking.

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Have you not got a genocide to be defending, safe space boy?

It is. I tend to move slowly away from any of these conspiracy theory lads. The same lads often carry rape kits.

I always read your posts in a Philip Dwyer voice in my mind. It fits perfectly with the white supremacist bile you spew on here daily.