US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

This fella is some creep.

A rapey creep.

Solicitor from South Dublin. Child mentor at Kilmakud Krokes. Father from Galway.

The pattern fits.

Solicitor is right.

Itā€™s a shame really, you could have robust debate here once but now youā€™re rounded on, called far right/ racist if you dont agree with the group think and youā€™ll have a gang of them reporting your posts.

But when one of their own posts unsavoury material itā€™s just ignored :person_shrugging:t2:


Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone these days.

I suppose all you can do is try and show lads a better way and see do they follow it at all.

Three cretinous gobshites who have retreated into safe spaces and echo chambers in order to soap soft each other with their racist bile talking about ā€œrobust debateā€. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Tis better to be mellow than blue

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I think thatā€™s it. If a lad on here is constantly lashing out then heā€™s doing it from a place of hurt. He just needs to ask for help and I think lads on here would rally around.

There should be more fun on here and less ranting.

What you consider ā€œfunā€ is in fact a criminal act.

What the other cretin considers ā€œfunā€ is mainly carried out by Russian and Macedonian troll farms or AI these days. Heā€™s been at it for well over a decade now. Even Tossy has given up at this stage but at least Tossy was occasionally funny.

This cretin is just a sad racist cunt.

A certain poster here really needs to think about the sequence of events that brought them here . Not wumming either for once . Itā€™s gonna end tragically

He should move back to Limerick.

the community here., in the large, has frequently demonsrated that we can and will support members in times of hardship, loss or sickness


Most members donā€™t support posters spewing racist sickness for over a decade. And thatā€™s only right.

I think itā€™s important to be kind and especially on here where a lad can be struggling unbeknownst to any of us.

Agreed. The enablers have to have a look at themselves also.

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Sidā€™s habit of dropping in personal information when he gets worked up is pretty shit behavior.

Snide comments from a number of posters about asking for help is pretty shit behavior.

Thatā€™s a pretty toxic run of posts from all involved.


Not to mind the lies he posts.

Iā€™ve never had an account closed by the mods nor posted 'white supremacy ā€™ material here or anything that was seriously racistā€¦nor have i ever had multiple accounts on the go at onceā€¦

My solicitor (@artfoley ) is mounting a case against these scurrilous lies as i type.

OK Nigel

Conversely, we have weirdos on here who think Nazi caricatures of Jews are no different to the couch joke.

Very odd post from a fella running for president. The capitalization of the HUSSEIN isnā€™t even a subtle dog whistle at this point.

ā€œWhat are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryinā€™ Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the US presidency, a COUP, to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back NOW!!!ā€

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Perhaps go there someday.