US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

You win American elections in the same way you win reality TV contests.

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Personalities over principles.

I donā€™t think the headbangers over there have much in the way of ideology, I think itā€™s more about tribes.

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Kamala hasnā€™t a great personality either I donā€™t think. I fear she may die of exposure.

Trump is a fucking awful candidate though. That could save her.

Itā€™s a big election. If she beats him itā€™s the end of that madness hopefully.
If he wins. Fuck knows.


I donā€™t know kidā€¦ Thereā€™s a lot of bible bashing pro guns and anti abortion racialists propping up the country

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If he loses, you can bet your bottom dollar if heā€™s still breathing, heā€™ll be running again in four years. If he loses, heā€™ll spend the next four years MAGA-fying every county, state, senate and congress seat he can in order to get someone in if he doesnā€™t that will eventually pardon him for all his past and near future convictions.
If Harris wins, America will still be the colonialist bully theyā€™ve always been but in the final throes of a short lived empire.
If Trump wins, the whole world may as well grab their ankles as he smears srirarcha sauce over the strap-on that heā€™s going to fuck every economy in the ass with.

My uncle is one of them. I think the beliefs are secondary, theyā€™d believe anything. They just subscribe to whatever the set of beliefs is required to be part of the tribe, to feel connected. I suppose that doesnā€™t go for all of them but a huge amount of them Iā€™d say.

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They have slogans. They have a terminal victim complex. They only know what they are against. Itā€™s very simple to understand. Itā€™s the exact same psychological dynamic as led to Nazi Germany. The same psychological dynamic exists everywhere, like a virus. Itā€™s what happens in wider society that determines whether the virus spreads in a particular place. Education levels, what sort of media environment exists, equality/inequality, the electoral system.

The main thing that has happened in the last 10/15/20 years that has unleashed this virus in so many places is mass disinformation and hate filled propaganda on the INTERNET. Thatā€™s by far the main reason.

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Yeah I think youā€™re mostly right. If you take a step back and look at the long term view perhaps we were in a state post WWII where fascism was anathema for a long period, but itā€™s creeping back again.

I think myself growing inequality and dissatisfaction with life along with ultra concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people is the driver, not the internet.

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The INTERNET is the main driver. Trump couldnā€™t have been the candidate never mind president without the INTERNET. Itā€™s a completely new way of organising people and disorganising people. Itā€™s a new toy that is unregulated and ordinary people donā€™t know how to handle it. It has destroyed peopleā€™s concentration spans and fried their brains. A lot of the far right stuff particularly among younger men is tied up with a feeling of sexual inadequacy driven by extreme forms of INTERNET porn and other types of non-sexual high dopamine release content you can access on the INTERNET.

The traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers) outlets that have radicalised older people have their agenda driven by what happens online, so older people do not escape the influence of the INTERNET even if they are not on it themselves.

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Agree to disagree. I do agree the internet is problematic. But I donā€™t think this stuff would find such purchase if so many people werenā€™t so disaffected with life.

Itā€™s the INTERNET which is driving disaffection with life more than anything. Itā€™s a massive time waster for one even if youā€™re only accessing inoffensive stuff. Weā€™re being amused to death.

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I still think the basics like economics and education and general engagement in society are more important.

Great to see the woke sensible lads have been able to differentiate between kamala and the genocidal administration she served in, for three years, without raising so much as an objection. Itā€™s as well the palestinians arenā€™t properly blackā€¦ glas etc might be struggling with a moral conundrum


No offence mate but most five year olds have better writing ability than you and make a lot more sense.

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Itā€™s always projection

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In fairness, any country with a directly elected president will have personalities as much as principle. Almost every French president has been a strong personality.
Its one of the main reasons why a parliamentary system is better.

JD is improving every day from his slow start. Itā€™s a marathon after all.

Are we including Boris and Liz Truss in this argument?

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Heā€™s ā€œimproving ā€œ.