US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

No wonder he has come back to Twitter

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Wisconsin looks an outlier, was the tightest margin in 2020, however thatā€™s the ball game for Harris there, Trump has no path if he loses all 3. Although the way things are going North Carolina is definitely now in play for Harris along with Arizona and Georgia that Biden scraped through in. Troubling times for Trump.

Heā€™ll have to put the fanny pad back on his ear.


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Not for the first time, Trump was using Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s plane over the weekend.

Nervously anticipating Trump dropping another pair of percentages points as a result of his upcoming circle jerk with Apartheid Annie on X.

Hilarious. Twitter crashed.

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It was hackers, obvs :roll_eyes:

Did you actually sit up to watch it? At least if trump wind he can move back into the white house, and out of your head


If trump wins, heā€™s got 4 more years of feathering his nest (and that of Jared kuchner). Collateral damage significant, but heā€™s done. If he loses, he may poison the atmosphere for another 8 years.


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I deactivated my Twitter account the other day and know a few others who have also left. Musk is an absolute tool.

I did. Hereā€™s the best way I can sum it up. Heā€™s falling apart at the seams. Thereā€™ll be no White House this time, Iā€™m afraid.

Still nearly 3 months to go.
Things happen

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Not a done deal by any stretch. A week is a long time in politics, as they say. I tuned in last night, as it was an opportunity for Trump to pivot, but it was a significant further backslide. His fragile ego and self esteem will be rattled hard by the media pouncing on his new lisp and his campaign no doubt infuriated that he couldnā€™t stay on message. Musk, not suprisingly tried to guide him but even that didnā€™t work.


Harris 4/5 Trump Evens as of this morning

A woman in the white house should be a good laugh in fairness. America will continue its slide into obscurity and world leaders will be more emboldened to invade and attack as they please. Whoā€™s gonna take a woman seriously? :joy:

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Wait till Mrs. Loftus sees that.

Incredible how she went from 3 years of being a useless sidekick to an almost Obama like beacon of hope in a few short weeks.