US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

Linda was part of President Trumps cabinet. Her expertise as a female entrepreneur was invaluable

Couldn’t even give him a fake kiss for the crowd :joy:

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Such a beautifully warm embrace. What a husband. What a man.

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She’s probably relieved he didn’t grab her by the fanny.


Sky News saying Biden will be back in the campaign trail next week.

They are also reporting the Biden camp is blaming Obama and Pelosi for Trump becoming President in the first place by not backing Biden in 2016.

I would tend I agree with that.

How many times has a two term president party regain the presidency for a third term?

Looks to me like the only reason trump didn’t stay in office was Covid and he went a bit mental during it.

Not very often, George Bush did it most recently and Nixon was previously VP but there was a gap between him being VP and President.

I think a Biden would have beaten Trump in 2016, Hillary was a terrible choice.

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100% Biden would have romped home in 2016. Hillary was a disaster, they could have stopped trump then. Plus he would have been spund of mind too

Easy be wise after the event.

I’m no expert but is there anyone capable of beating trump? Would they not let Biden taking a hiding?

Published 1985

Postman distinguishes the Orwellian vision of the future, in which totalitarian governments seize individual rights, from that offered by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, where people medicate themselves into bliss, thereby voluntarily sacrificing their rights. Drawing an analogy with the latter scenario, Postman sees television’s entertainment value as a present-day “soma”, the fictitious pleasure drug in Brave New World , by means of which the citizens’ rights are exchanged for consumers’ entertainment.




It’s a good read.

a slightly more capable shooter


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VP = vagina poking

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googles Kimberly Guilfoyle

Here you go

Such natural beauty.

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