US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

A clareanderthal

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Buttigieg has an ability to go onto the shows of Fox News and reactionary bigot cunts like Bill Maher and completely neutralise them.


In the words of Timothy Snyder this is ā€œanticipatory obedienceā€.

Trump quite clearly was not shot yet still claims he was. He is obviously lying. The person that attempted to shoot him was a right wing gun nut loner.

The networks have engaged in a ludicrous pretence that last Saturday would somehow ā€œmellowā€ or ā€œsoftenā€ Trump, make him turn into a ā€œunifierā€, rather than the bleedinā€™ obvious - that it will make him much worse in his obsession with absolute power and desire to crush all opposition to him. That it will make him even more hellbent on being a dictator.

The coverage of Trump since last Saturday by the major networks has been an exercise in saccharine American fakeness in a country that is now utterly destroyed by fakeness.

Yet more evidence of why America is fucked.

Almost 7% of all US newspaper employees work for the New York Times.

ā€œHeā€™s anti-establishmentā€
ā€œHeā€™ll drain the swampā€

Labane doesnā€™t post much any more.

Trump leads by 7% in Michigan.

The Bidenbots however remain undeterred and are continuing to post memes of him wearing sunglasses and walking in a WWF style manner, and claiming the polls show heā€™s going to win.

This below is the reality of Bidenā€™s campaign:

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Thatā€™s wonderfully belligerent driving.

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Biden is gone.

The world shut down in a week yet some Democrats tried to tell us you couldnā€™t put a new candidate in place over four months out from the election. Theyā€™ve wasted a month.

RFK Jr to step in?

Sleepy Joe waited until the hurling was over.


Itā€™ll be interesting now whether itā€™s handed to Kamala or they put it to a vote.

Incredibly presidential from Joe Biden. Heā€™ll be remembered fondly for such selflessness. Very President Bartlett

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Yhe writing was on the wall once he failed to start a war with china

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I fancy a double female ticket. Kamala-Gretchen. It would definitely draw a lot of female republican votes.

As daft a bint as youā€™re likely to find

Most of them are daft, on both sides of the divide.

Schumer would make a decent president.

Absolutely not,a slithery fuck

Iā€™d be surprised if anybody stands against her. Sheā€™ll be the candidate by acclamation.

Somewhere tonight Hillary is having a glass of vino and thinking; I could do thisā€¦ā€¦