US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

The Irish wooed by the democrats as usualā€¦ The supposed good guys whoā€™ll save the world. The same crowd who are currently backing israel to carry out a genocideā€¦ Yeah those guys will save the world :rofl:

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Maybe not but he has done one thing which is pretty brain dead which is to compare pro-Palestine protestors on college campuses to the Ku Klux Klan.

This means heā€™s automatically an enemy of the very demographics Democrats need to get to the polls in their droves.

Also like it or not, his Jewishness will be an issue, especially because he is so pro-Israel, though my understanding is he did not attend Netanyahuā€™s speech to congress, whereas Mark Kelly did. He also looks visibly Jewish.

Governor races are not presidential elections but West Wing types think they are.

The last time the Democrats picked a Jewish running mate was 2000 when Al Gore picked a guy called Joe Lieberman.

Lieberman was a conservative pro-Israel hawk and deathly dull in terms of personality. He sucked the remaining life out of an already very low energy campaign.

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Woo Hoo

Ffs. Is this what its come to?

This is great news. Could you explain the reasons for your faith?

The irish love affair of the Democrats os purely based on JFK. They are completely different to what he brought as president. No way he would be left run for congress in mass these days let alone the big job.

The JFK library is a fantastic museum


Says the simpleton fanboi of the headbanger RFK Junior.


Its a 2 horse race with donkeys.

Might as well look for another ass as the others are full of shit

Permanently sozzled. Zero fucks given.

You slag off ā€œthe Irishā€ for supposedly having a love affair with the Kennedys. Itā€™s quite obviously you that has the love affair with the Kennedys given your adoration for a Kennedy who no sane person would trust to put the bins out never mind be president.

Irish people donā€™t give a fuck about the Democratic party. Understandably Irish people generally want whoever the Democratic candidate is to win and those who have any interest generally prefer to see Democrats win any election - because Irish people generally arenā€™t toothless simpletons who love an American fascist, white supremacist cult.

The alternative to a fascist, white supremacist cult is always good by comparison.


Wine o clocks unit. Will be one giant hen party

Recognising you have a problem is the first step to tackling it. Good luck.

Not the Kennedy, the Democrats because of Kennedy.

Kennedy was great and deserves the adoration he gets. To continue to adore the party he was in 60 years later because of him is whats ridiculous. Again the same party thats agreed to sell $80 billion worth of arms to isreal to murder Palestinians in genocide.

The republicans are no better at least they dont try to hide they are cunts

Youā€™re a simpleton so bye.

Your a misfortune who spams the board with absolute bile. Once challenged you revert to accusations of right wing, fascism and nazis. You cant accept that people dont agree with your views

This is why Democrats should not bet the farm on Shapiro.

Down the ticket races are different. Democrats (though an increasingly dwindling number) can win in states where Trump will obviously win. Brown in Ohio is one. But Shapiro being on the Harris ticket is unlikely to change any minds as regards the presidential race and unlikely to drive turnout even in PA.

For me Buttigieg was the best pick because he would seriously drive the energy of the campaign as well as being a brilliant media operator who would utterly shred Vance.

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Absolutely not.

Whats shapiroā€™s ā€˜beefā€™ with the amish lad? Does he hate religon, farming, gut microbes, or is he just a puppet for big farma?

Heā€™ll be a puppet for Benji if he gets the gig

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