US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Komodo

Trump is in full meltdown mood.

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Buttigieg is a very impressive performer but to be honest picking him would feel like looking to energise the base rather than win swing voters or look to ā€œborrowā€ republican votes appalled by Trump.

If the Dem base need Buttigieg to be energised over the clear need to keep Trump out they can get in the sea.

Iā€™ve seen the Israel angle being put forward too - Iā€™d be surprised if that was a massive issue in most voters minds to be honest. It might be for som Democrats but again are they going to not vote for Kamala on the back of it in any sort of meaningful numbers?

I think it is. Itā€™s been presented as a significant number in some states. It was definitely hurting Biden. As sid says itā€™s about turnout rather than swing voters, thereā€™s a lot whoā€™ll stay at home on it. Expect thereā€™ll be big protests at the Dems convention.

Harris is in the new candidate bounce territory. John Kerry was well ahead of Bush when he won nomination in the polls also. Unless she can win Ohio, Florida and a few others then it doesnā€™t really matter if an additional few million in New York and California are now gonna vote for her.

Democrats who stay at home because of Israel (or a Shapiro choice) knowingly enabling a Trump presidency are apes of the highest order and deserve scorn.

By all means protest at the Dem convention and look to apply pressure but the notion that their cause would be improved by a Republican administration would seem to be fairly wide of the mark.

Bidenā€™s last play was to announce harris and scuttle Michelleā€™s campaign. A final fuck you to the obamas.

Bush was consistently ahead in the polls in 2004 from the convention onwards. Trumpā€™s convention bounce is gone and the Democratic convention hasnā€™t happened yet. A lot depends on how the convention goes.

Harris isnā€™t going to win Ohio or Florida. The long term direction of travel is probably towards the Republicans there and Trump has cult like support in those states.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada are the key states. North Carolina is the only state Biden didnā€™t win in 2020 which Harris has even an outside shot of winning because like Virginia, Georgia and Arizona the long term direction of travel is in the Democratsā€™ favour there.

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All the democrats have to do is let trump show his hand.

Heā€™s talking himself into all sorts of trouble because heā€™s under pressure. Heā€™ll be well aware of the polls and this will cause more meltdowns.

Heā€™s a grand fella to cycle down hill with the wind at his back but when the going gets tough heā€™s screwed.

Do you still think trump will win?

The 2024 Democratic National Convention is to be held in Chicago just like the 1968 Convention. The 1968 Convention was also notable because the incumbent President, Johnson, had decided not to seek reelection and his Vice President, Humphrey, inherited the primary votes that Johnson received and took the nomination in a contested convention. The 1968 Convention was generally one of the greatest clusterfucks in US political history.

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Currently I think Harris has about a 55% chance of winning and Trump 45%.



Kyle Rittenhouse announces to his 1.2m mongo gun nut followers on the tweet machine that heā€™s no longer supporting Donie T. The slide is happening.

That fucker is lucky to be walking around, you canā€™t please some fellas. What an ingrate.

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Horrible cretin.

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Kelly and Buttigieg seem to be the safest choices for Momala. Shapiro would be a disaster due to the homophobic, transphobic and islamophobic rhetoric he spouted in the past. Himself and Pritzker (whoā€™s likely appeased to still stay in the race for his money) are too hardline zionist for this particular campaign, when Gaza is a hot issue. Walz and Beshear would be acceptable also but probably too beige to make a difference in either direction.


Shapiro is a poor pick. Apart from being from PA and his good public speaking skills, I donā€™t see any other reason to pick him. Theyā€™re two weak enough reasons.

He could push away a significant pro Palestine contingent in Michigan as well as other states.

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The guy is conservative enough to not look out of place at a MAGA rally. Hopefully sheā€™s smart enough to sidestep him. Kelly appears to be a cool head when dealing with the media. Smart. As long as they donā€™t make a meal of the VP pick, and the debateā€¦the other pair with their clown show should have enough days to hang themselves in the run-up.

Musk is a plutocratic fascist who is hellbent on destroying democracy by any means he can.