US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

I don’t think they did, but it worked.

Take as your starting point the fact that you have to be chronically mentally ill to be a member of the Republican party in the first place and that begins to explain things.

Where the 47% live…

It’s one of the great ironies of American politics. Just like if you look up which states have the highest and lowest divorce rates. Or which states are net contributors versus recipients of Federal tax dollar (i.e total Tax paid to fed minus how much they received in spending).

:lol: Yep, thats the republican base alright. Nice one your Holiness.

Republicans continue to marginalize themselves with each passing day. The irony is that a huge number of the 47% that Romney referred to are poor white Americans mainly in the Midwest and South who traditionally vote Republican. Someday the penny may drop for them but I’m not so sure. The Republican party is now the party of stupid and has been since Bush 2 was elected. Whether they like it or not the country is moving to the center (it has always been right of center) and policies like tax breaks for the rich, a war on women’s rights, denying equal rights for gays, more military adventures, etc. are not going to get you elected in 2012.
The US econpmy is not too bad, the housing market has recovered somewhat, private sector hiring is steady (it is government layoffs that has kept unemployment high, another irony in that Republicans want to cut more government), and the stock market is bullish which has a big wealth effect. At this stage I see nothing other than an Obama landslide.

I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but you can take that and shove it pal. Hippy bastard.

I see Manchester United got away with yet another stonewall penalty decision at the end of their match. How many penalty decisions is that now that have wrongly gone their way this season?

And you think this should be an issue for the American president?

What does Mitt Romney have to say about it I wonder?

Wow, such as intellectual. I must hurry now and read your other 22,590 posts, I’m sure they are equally fascinating.

There were at least 6 penalty shouts in the game, the most obvious one not given was the lunge on Valencia. Evans got the ball if you watch it again.

[quote=“labane1917, post: 575556”]

There were at least 6 penalty shouts in the game, the most obvious one not given was the lunge on Valencia. Evans got the ball if you watch it again.[/quote]

Genius, think you may be in the wrong thread.

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Just responding to the genius with 17,000 posts who posted on this thread.

He’s already made a fool of himself talking about British sport once during the campaign, I’m sure he could pull another embarrassing gaffe out of the bag about this.

Obama now leads by 8% among likely voters. I called this as free money back in January when Obama was 8/11. I called it as an impending Barry Goldwater-type disaster for the Republicans. This is now an inevitability.

[quote=“labane1917, post: 575558”]

Just responding to the genius with 17,000 posts who posted on this thread.[/quote]


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Is that allowed here?
Thanks anyway

After the debates it will be a landslide. Romney is total crap when he has to think on his feet. Obama already has the Romney 47% sown up, he just needs a few more %. The reports today are that Wall Street is now starting to contribute heavily to Obama and they always like to be on the winning side.

Do you listen to NPR at all Sid? I find it very good.