Use the fucking quote function properly, ye cunts

FFS, it’s impossible to follow threads in this fucking forum. Quote the cunt you are responding to, bastards.

Like how?

Like this

But not like this?

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Exactly, you Aussie cunt.

Thanks pal.

I’ll point out that it’s practically impossible* to reply, with quoted text, on the cellular mobile phone. That speech bubble thing you click on the desktop isn’t available.

*I think Rocko mentioned a highlighting and copying alternative, but fuck that.

Ah yes, progress.


Test reply from mobile cellular phone. Very awkward to do.

Given the frantic, hate-filled rebuttals that are prevalent on TFK, I can’t see many taking the time to attempt highlighting text to form part of their reply.

Oh, like this. FFS, another thing to fucking click on. Progress me hole.

Fuck you, adapt and survive.

Learn to use a phone, all my replies have been off one.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, you no mark little prick. Fuck off.

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That is rule #1 of the internet, you horrible Koala raping cunt.


I can’t help it if I’m a top poster, you horrible hun bastard.

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‘‘This post has been removed’’


Who is this Naismith mutant again?

D. R. Anus I think.


He obviously has a thing for horrible ugly assholes.

You’ll upset him with your willy nilly use of the quote function there pal.