Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Why are collective thumbs being placed up asses on Saturday through Monday?

Saturday and Sunday are the weekend mate, and sure you know yourself it’s hard to get going on a Monday.

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The health service in Ireland is largely 9-5 Monday to Friday and has for a long time been run around staff wants rather than patient requirements.


The Russophobes don’t even know why the hate Russia.

They just do it because the big Western media outlets told them to.

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A new week.

Monday 8th March - 7756

I feel it’s about time we had some commitments from governments regards resignations and timeframes if pledges and targets are not met.

Austria have done the same after a death there in relation to it.

Suprisingly little evidence of it with the Brits unless they are fudging it.

You’d need to be very wary about the AZ one IMO.

There’s lads on here screaming for more and more vaccines, but wont take a vaccine. Jaysus lads, we’re through the looking glass.


That’s what they get for buying fake AZ on the black market.

That said, from speaking to someone who knows a number of people who have received vaccines, it would appear that the side effects from the AZ one are far worse than Pfizer.

Egg Egg Egg

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I got the AZ one.


(I didn’t actually vomit but I had a bad fever for around two days afterwards).


There’s nothing wrong with that policy. The problem exists with not getting enough of a supply. Lads need to relax, its coming, we’re not a big enough fish to be getting anymore than we are getting at this stage sadly.

I saw yesterday that Johnson and Johnson are issuing 100 million EXTRA doses to the USA, and they are giving us feck all in the EU.

Imagine living in a country in Africa who are even further down the list.

They aren’t allowed export from the USA, and the EU insisted vaccines for the EU be manufactured within the EU.

Sounds like the Italians up to their necks in corruption as usual

Thomas Byrne is some fucking cunt. He’d know all about misinformation and backstabbing and is now running anti-Russian propaganda.



russia to save millions of life in Africa

@Raylan reaction is anger


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