Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Announce Sputnik.

Strange that Ireland has nearly double the no of Moderna vaccines as Denmark there.

Only Cyprus and ze Germans have less Moderna vaccines administered.

You need to relax. Its grand.

The Maltese are right snakes. They’ve nearly a thousand given out there and the fuckers didn’t get any.

The Danes aren’t holding the second dose to ensure supply and I think it’s a fairly thin argument at this stage that it makes sense to do so. There’s 20k high risk people who could get their jab today and be afforded some protection instead of in a few weeks.

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@Heyyoubehindthebushes @dodgy_keeper @peddlerscross

Hungary have got an extra 1m vaccines. They were there for lobbying but the bung handler you idolise and the rest of his govt were asleep at the wheel.

Since you say you won’t even take approved vaccin s let alone unapproved Chinese ones I’m going to disregay anything you have to say on the topic.

Where did the 4 million extra vaccines the EU announced yesterday come out of?

I trust the Sputnik vaccine.

Meanwhile you want to force/coerce people to take vaccine who it has no real upside for when it’s showing a worrying correlation with blood clots in European country


Can’t argue with that

Theres nothing stopping the HPRA from approving the sputnik vaccine which has proven results and is used elsewhere in the EU nor is there anything preventing them from approving the sinovac (does anyone know of used elsewhere in the EU or have any data. I just can’t trust the chinese).
I’m a big supporter of the European project but the EU has fucked up rightly. Austria and Denmark have done a deal with Israel to take their excess (the irish left will go mad if we did this). Whats the harm in asking the US to sell us a couple million to get us out of the hole. Similarly we could buy excess off Britain. I don’t buy the goverment line that there is none out there. Plenty of dirty deals to be done. Other EU countries are putting themselves first so we won’t be the first thats out of line.

Did you read the article I posted. It contradicts absolutely everything you’ve said in that post.

There are two Chinese vaccines; Sinovac with 50% efficacy and Sinopharm with 80% efficacy.

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Irish Times goverment mouthpiece don’t trust the media.

He reckons we could approve them both by tomorrow and be pumping them into people within a week :smiley:

Fair enough when i hear Chinese i stop listening

You’re posting things that are the exact opposite of what is true about vaccines.

That makes you crackpot.

You are being disingenuous and misrepresenting what he said again.

Absolutely nothing stopping the HPRA signing off sputnik as Hungary have it approved. Once the liecence is approved on once EU market any individual market can approve on that basis if they are satisfied with the data. Goes for all pharmaceuticals or med devices