Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

We need to be bold here and take the Danes AZ supply and mug the cunts right off

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If it was Trump with an America first strategy we wouldn’t hear the end of it.


See mutual recognition procedure (MRP) or national processes. We don’t need to wait for the europe wide approval. As regards supply, I’ve no faith in there is no vaccines can be bought narrative. I’m sure there is some buyers out there if we are willing to pay a bit more, surely its cheaper than having the country shut down and 25% unemployment

Would he spare 3 or 4 million for the old country

Micky Martin is looking for a call with the CEO of Astra Zeneca next week.

This is like Delaney vs Blatter. He’ll be laughing up his sleeve at Paddy.

Dela mugged Sepp off for 5 million.

I don’t want to be insulting, but it’s hard to put this politely. It’s not a “narrative” it’s a fact. What you’re saying is simply wrong, it’s not supported by any evidence whatsoever and it’s utterly utterly stupid. You’re choosing to believe something that is opposite to the truth, would you ever cop on to yourself.

Your opinion is not fact.

Sigh, he’s doing it to appease Trump supporters.

They seem to have been politically naive. They didn’t push the EMA on authorisation early on Pfizer and then sat back whilst AZ deliberately delayed their application to the EMA.

I wonder what the disconnect between the Commission and pharma experts was.

Anyone hear the Donnelly interview on Morning Ireland at around 8.15am? It was another appalling performance by him.

He had Tomás O Sé seething.

He’s such a useless cunt :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: my innate inferiority complex used to make me think he was intelligent because he was well spoken.
What was the gist of him today?

Why did AZ delay the application to the EMA? So that they could put their hands up and say that they were already committing their first supplies to the US and UK?

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Biden is reaping the benefits of that.

I liked how Trump tried to trip Biden up over the EU/U.K. travel ban just before inauguration, lifting them for a day just so Biden had to reintroduce them. Of course Biden got away with it because the media have jumped on the variant cod, the reality is that the US has now closed its borders for nearly a year now to many of its trading partners (he has “lifted” the Muslim travel ban elements still there though of course). It’s an illiberal regime to have in place outright bans but that’s what the Dems are into now.

Because they wanted the U.K. as their live test country and needed doses while all of the U.K. plants scaled up. I assume they thought that the European ones could get up to speed and it wouldn’t be a massive issue once they applied, but then they didn’t see the yields they were expecting.

Is it my imagination or did he appear competent when he first broke on the scene. I remember being impressed with him when he was a Soc Dem. He’s as bad as we ever had