Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You’ve been sold a pup,

In a few years time you’ll realise it - don’t let Nphet dictate where you can and cannot go distance wise from your house.


The Russians are playing the world like a fiddle. Meanwhile they’ve less than 4% of their own population done and thats first dose only

Putin is a fantastic leader in fairness.

Their bots are flat out on twitter getting governments to go cap in hand to Vlad and kiss his ring.
Of course he’ll need a little something in return


Great man, in fairness nothing comes free in reality.

@glasagusban won’t like that.

He won’t like that one bit.

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The UK did 1 per cent of their population today while we were remobiliisng vaccine teams.

I bought nothing.

I hope it’s a high mattress

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So the AZ vaccine was halted on Sunday.

Very HSE to administer 14 vaccines of a suspended vaccine.

The figures are revised on later days. The actual amount administered last Sunday was around 300 but the backlog brought it up to 1100

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Yeah the Twitter bot is only monitoring the change in the totals on the Covid hub website between each day. It doesn’t differentiate any backlog that’s after being added in.

Yourself and Fulvio are more reliable than the HSE.

What’s the story with the Moderna vaccine? Gets very little attention here.

They would want to have a huge week next week. A couple hundred thousand doses a week will start to calm people down a bit.

Is the 1st Dose figure inclusive or exclusive of people who have already gotten the 2nd Dose?

I want a vaccine so I can go to matches, races and the pub.


I want to do all those things without one

Edit: meh on the racing

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So you only want 50% of those things