Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

No word yet.

They’re might be an update in the briefing this evening.

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Somewhere between 1 and a million.

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I’d say you’re on the ball there

Northern Ireland has the 4th hight rate of vaccinations in the world.

The Republic of Ireland has the highest rate of Covid-19 Disease in the world


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Everyone will be at the top of the queue the way they are going

Northern Ireland is not a country

It’s not even a province

I’m mortified for @POTUS

The cousin, an ambulance driver, was supposed to be vaccinated today but it was cancelled because supply didn’t arrive today. The cousin is not overly confident about the roll out.

It’s a state of mind

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60000 a week? Janey.

Are people who have already had it getting vaccinated?

700k gets us to 90% reduction in deaths


Yes, the first nursing home resident in Dublin to get the vaccine was a 95 year old woman who had been hospitalised with the virus last summer. Considering it is a scarce resource you might have thought those who had it already would have been further down the priority list, but such an approach seems too complex for the system.

That seems absolutely mental. There’s been less than 10 reinfections in the entire world?

Tipping along nicely so.

I think the approach is that we be thankful that the vaccines are being administered, rather than focus on things like that and potentially delay matters. I’m not sure anyone would be able to tell you how many 70+ year olds have recovered from Covid in the country anyway.

Do they have any notion how many individuals have had Covid I wonder