Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The research around fertility is scary. This is how mutants will be created (outside of Tipperary)

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From what?

The data there for Ireland is bollox. Their source for the Irish data is a Richard Chambers’ tweet.

It’s great that people put that stuff together but before it gets widely quite people should at least check where it comes from.

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That’s absolute bollix. Take that down now or i’ll report you to the mods.


Timmy should have had Niall Collins to check the facts before sending the tweet.

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Over dosed on placebo

They went to shite after their second album

A lovely taste of seethe and anger in the responses below.

I particularly enjoyed this one


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Horse racing to the rescue again

Horse Racing will save us from this sorry mess.

The cause of and solution to

Sometime between October 2021 and May 2022 for me :see_no_evil:

About time the cunts stood up, only took them
The bones of a year.

Limrick bate Klare and North Tipp combined

You can’t be born in Clare but you can get the Covid