Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s gone like Sweden

Brits forgetting that all their numbers require a second dose.

To get a second one you need to have a first one. They are having a fair crack off it

Both my brothers have got the vaccine, the bastards.

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Boris was wrong afaik. It wasn’t.


The E.U is run by a bunch of morons.

Her actions on Friday night were like the jilted lover cutting up her husbands clothes and screaming at him in front of the whole neighbourhood.

She had a meltdown.

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Her maths don’t seem great. EU are claiming to get 40m of the 80m promised (50%).

She is claiming as a result Ireland will get 400k of 600k promised (67%).


The EU is having a mare

What’s the story with the Curevac one? No word on an approval date yet?


She has to go. Big Phil went for less.

  • CureVac’s shot is still being tested in a late-stage trial, but Spahn has said that the shot could gain approval as soon as March. The product is a messenger RNA vaccine similar to the ones from fellow German biotech BioNTech – which partnered with Pfizer – and Moderna Inc. Those shots were the first approved in Europe and elsewhere, and demonstrated about 95% effectiveness in trials.*

The EU backed the wrong horses on this.

J&J will surely be approved before Curevac given their trials have now concluded?

You’d assume so.

How were you after it? Mywan felt like shit the day after the second jab. Her colleagues all reported the same.

My wan tells me, up until last week, that she knew covid facing frontline nurses in ICU without a jab in UHL. They weren’t quick enough to check their email and click the link to get the appointment. This is why so many HSE clerical non front line workers got in before them. They were at their pc’s and clicked the link.

Meanwhile in Nenagh hospital

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The ladies in accounts need their two weeks in the sun in July.

I’m disappointed yo hear this. I thought the HSE vaccinations would be stopped by now. There is however a silver lining to this news in that infections will drop even further when this is finished.

I was talking to a lad today whose sister is a speech and language therapist. She got her second jab on Saturday and is feeling a bit sick today from it but nothing out of the ordinary. She got her jab before a lot of front line nurses because there were jabs left over at her hospital so she got one.

Nenagh Hospital sounds like an internal mis-management issue.

Nenagh is in Tipperary