Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The Irish down here have a genetic impulse to avoid genocide which is a relic of the famine. Hence most of us gave two world wars a sidestep and take the vaccine. The Northerners who avoided the worst of the famine do things like marching headlong into the Somme.


You only take the vaccine because you were told to. It’s subservience at the end of the day.

Two lads, a couple of syringes, 800 years.


The length of the restrictions in Ireland (I’m not allowed to say lockdown because there was no lockdown) has contributed to the vaccine take up.


Has the pfzer employees been included yet. Its worth about 1% iirc. I heard anyone who got it off the company us having an awful time getting certs

Wasnt their a guy here saying it would be November until full vaccinnation in Ireland? To be fair he will only be out 10 weeks or so.

Nope, you keep saying there was but nobody said that.

Have you a job to be at?


Looks to me like Ireland have passed out Israel for vaccines as a % of the population now.

What a triumph Ireland’s vaccination programme has been. I thought we’d be middle of the road but we did better than that. Remember when lads wanted us to beg for a few spares off the the US and the UK?


We do seem to have less anti-vaxx loonies over here than the norm which helps

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We’re pretty middle of the road in EU terms tbf.

High take up is a separate point.

You could tack them onto your covid cert. Be fine and handy.

Not tonight says the checker. (Not mine btw :slight_smile: )

The boom is back.

This one will divide the contrarians on here, the fat cunts.

They are telling people here that they will charge for the vaccine from autumn in the hope of encouraging them to get a freebie now.

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We should give young people hospitality vouchers that will be honoured by the government to make up for screwing them with the vaccine passes, and to support the industry. Win win.

Buy wan vaccine, get wan free.