Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

5 days weeks probably and maybe a half day on a Friday.

It should be but I’d hope the 13000 is without mass vaccination centres. You’d imagine the goal is 1 October before the seasonality kicks in again.

I have been told the second dose is a waste of time and we should be following John Bull’s lead of giving as many as possible one dose for now.

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We’ll weigh up what the evidence says and what the WHO say and then disregard it for what Il Duce Holohan says


You’re having a mare of a pandemic.

Leo reckons we will do 1.2 million in April. Surely not judging on these figures.

1.2 million in 30 days works out as 40k per day.

Hard to see it.

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John Bull has got the vaccine spot on from start to finish. He got fuck all else right mind.

Lash them out
Lash them out
Lash them out


I’m owed an apology from @myboyblue

I’ve saved your life and this is the thanks I get?

As I slowly lose my mind during this 3rd Lockdown, I’ve taken to attempting to summarise snippets of news into tabloid style headings for my own amusement

“Vaccine Vindication! Cautious Paddy comes a cropper as John Bull ploughs ahead”


John Bull won WW2 with science and brains. They’ll win this war the same way.

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And with the Russians and the Americans


The war was won in Bletchley Park

Had they come out from under the bed at that stage?

Was chatting with my grandparents both flying it for 85 and have heard fuck all about when they are getting the vaccine. They only know on person like them not in a nursing home tonget it. What’s going on at all

They’ve got dementia, it happens

That’s not nice, mate.

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