
I agree. Maduro calling for a new presidential election with international oversight would certainly be one.

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You forgot to mention Bolton and Abrams who are up to their eyeballs in current events…

Is this the rendition programme you’re on about now?

So that’s all right then.

What part of the sentence “There is no justification for the rendition program” did you not understand?

The neo-con nutcase is still at it, I see. :rollseyes:

Stop justifying it so



Point to where I justified it, you windbag.
If you are so concerned about rendition, were you out protesting at Shannon airport?

It’s amazing how everything the neo-con nutcase says on this forum is framed by his support of the Trump regime.

Bolton and Abrams were minor players at the time compared to the principals. The buck obviously stops at Bush and Blair, but the principals were those I mentioned, especially Mueller the FBI director who lied to congress on justifying the invasion. Powell deserves criticism as I think he knew the presentation he made to the UN was bullshit, and later regretted it. Sorry, I forgot Paul Wolfowitz, who was probably the strongest advocate for the insane nation building plan for the ME. Don’t forget the mad bastards thought Iraq would be over quickly, and believed they could go country by country and democratize all of them.

Except Saudi Arabia obviously

There’s a lad on radio ulster after saying Hugo Chavez’s daughter is worth 3.5 billion.
She’d be some catch for a young lad-as long as it’s not 3.5 billion Venezuelan bolívars.

Now that’s the kind of socialism @anon7035031 could get on board with

under 100K in euro’s.

She’d never have had that sort of dough if her da had been a capitalist. Socialism :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Right. Must be 3.5bn gbp then.

According to a Forbes article in 2015, the leader was worth an “estimated $2 billion ($A2.76bn) at the time of his death [in 2013].

“Today, his daughter Maria Gabriela is the wealthiest woman in Venezuela, worth double that.”

She’s a shrewd investor as well it seems

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my sums probably are wrong. Could be anywhere between 10k and 1m depending on which interpretation of a billion you take.

Great to see