
Tut tut

The wank being spouted in here by both sides is woeful … Venezuela is a failed autocratic regime, the country has been decimated. ----- the US have played their part in this.


As credible as Trump. Did Clinton not actually have more people vote for her than Trump? How come you only worry about elections when it suits you. The US is a big ally of Saudi Arabia e.g. Who go elected there?

The US has interfered across the globe, promoting coups and insurrections against any govt which doesn’t suit them. Their promotion of “democracy” is a complete sham.

Yes Hillary won.

He has already clarified his position on this. The US promotes capitalism, everything else such as democracy and mass murder is a secondary consideration. He also said a bit of blood being spilt in protection of capitalism is necessary.

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Has he been in London recently?

As idiotic a statement as could possibly be made. The US electoral college system has been in place since 1804, it’s the same system that elected Obama overwhelmingly twice. Democrats lost the 2016 election because they ran a deeply unpopular candidate, quite amazing that people still can’t get their heads around this.

For the equivalence you are suggesting to be correct, Trump would have been banned from running, the federal government would decide who the opponents are, and government workers would be forced to vote for Hillary, the chosen one. Unsurprising that’s the electoral system you prefer.

Yet you couldn’t provide a single reason why the statement was “idiotic”, except that it offended you for some reason.

Despite it being a demonstrable fact.

Facts over feelings, please.

You’re by far the worst offender on this forum in terms of the reverse.

It’s deeply childish gaslighting and trolling.

I’ll clarify my own position if you don’t mind, as you don’t have the intellectual capacity to do so.

Yes, spilling blood in defense of the political and economic system we have in the west is unfortunately necessary. A lot of American blood was spilled defeating the Nazis in Europe and their equivalents in Asia. Leftists in Europe conveniently forget that due to their hatred of the US, even though it was the US who rebuilt Europe after Europeans were finished slaughtering each other.

I am the first to admit a lot of historical US intervention in South and Central America was unjustified, although has to be seen in the prism of the Cold War. The USSR was also very active for decades in the region and around the world promoting communism, supporting and arming left wing guerrillas who did plenty slaughtering as well. The cold war has been over for almost three decades, and the USSR lost, so perhaps time to move on. South America is now democratic, and by the way many countries have elected left wing governments. One wonders how many right wing governments would have been elected if the USSR had prevailed, the answer of course is none, there would have been no elections.

Obviously you think the world would be a better place under communism. You’re entitled to that opinion, but history isn’t on your side.

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That’s a clinker in fairness.

This guy is a walking comedy show. Nobody’s laughing with him.

It’s understandable why a lot of people are drawn to socialism, as it “feels” like a good idea, spread the wealth, expand welfare, run the economy for the people and not for profit, etc. I admit I was drawn to it myself in my youth, before I learned the art of critical thinking.

Here’s where the problem is. Governments are hopelessly incompetent all over the world, and attract and retain the most incompetent workers. There is zero accountability at any level of government, with few exceptions. Look at the shambles that is the Irish government ffs, from top to bottom, the HSE a good example. Socialists believe that not alone is big government a good thing, but it needs to be much bigger, if you give the government control of the economy and take it away from the private sector for example, everything will be so much better.

It always ends the same, when you put utter incompetents in charge of anything. Venezuela hasn’t been destroyed economically from outside forces, it has been destroyed because a bus driver and his cronies have been running the country.

Another direct contradiction.

Maybe you should refrain from clarifying your position Boris, you don’t appear to have the intellectual capacity to do so.

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There’s no contradiction there, only someone who sees the world in black and white can see one.

The first statement outlines why the US behaved as it did historically in central and south America. It says nothing about my personal views on specific interventions, other than capitalism is preferable to communism and the US position of opposing the spread of communism in the region was justified (as history has demonstrated).

The second statement simply states I disagree with the specifics of a lot of US intervention in the region during the cold war. There were plenty other options other than simply arming one side in conflicts.

Incoherent drivel.

I understand why you think so, I have plenty experience dealing with useless bureaucrats.

Indeed, I expect you get that response a lot.

I’m still waiting for your justification for the multiple torture sites that the leader of the free world set up, carried out torture in, trained torturers for, dispatched victims to, and acted on the “intelligence” extracted in those sites. Sites where suspects were routinely “renditioned” to and often were dead by the following morning.

There are other options that could have been tried in Venezuela instead of risking stirring up a civil war!

A program that was supported and aided by 54 other countries including the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Canada, etc.

There is no justification for the rendition program, regardless of the fact the motivation was to prevent other events like 9/11 and 7/7. As I said earlier the only justification for torture I can morally support is a defensive one where someone has specific knowledge on a planned attack. As an example if the individual who provided Timothy McVeigh with his truck full explosives had been identified, I would support “enhanced interrogation” to disclose who he provided it to. That would have saved 168 lives. You would probably feel the same if it were a family member in that building.

The entire Bush administration were fanatics and delusional in their aims. Chaney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Ridge and Mueller,etc. None more so than the current liberal darling Mueller, one of the strongest advocates for the Iraq war and someone who lied to congress to justify it.