Versus Agger\'s Angels, 04/07/07

It simply doesn’t get any bigger than this gents.

Some people will go a whole lifetime without ever experiencing playing the league leaders in a packed St Paul’s.

We are privileged.

Let’s turn these fooks over.

This is it Bandage. We might live for another 100 years and never see a game as big as tomorrow’s. To be involved is a huge privilege. I’m welling up here already.

I’ll be making good on my promise tonight. Daniel Agger - I’m gonna chop you up like wood.

Good man Clarkey, slice and dice!

Listen to me Daniel Agger

You can tell your team mates that ye are in for one helluva battle tonight

We are going to cut ye up and put ye in hospital

Disaster - we lost 6-5 I think it was. I was dreadful. Shocked with my own lack of effort. Going to take a long hard think about what went wrong. Couldn’t even look the lads in the eye in the dressing room after so made a quick exit - without even a word for the waiting media.

We lost 7-6.

I’m also reviewing my position.

Shocking for one of the goals and harshly penalised for handling outside the box for a freekick that led to another.

I apologise to the website, the forum in particular, all members and any guests that log on and I apologise to football team.

To get back level after being 6-3 down and then lose like that is heartbreaking.

Exactly like the game where we came back from 5-2 to draw level a few weeks ago and then overcommitted and lost to a winner on the counter. We had 3 lads upfront trying to get a winner when if we had have kept our shape and composure we probably would have done so.

We know, and so no doubt do agger’s angels, that we deserved to win that game tonight. We’d enough chances to win several games.

therock67 wrote:

Disaster - we lost 6-5 I think it was. I was dreadful. Shocked with my own lack of effort. Going to take a long hard think about what went wrong. Couldn’t even look the lads in the eye in the dressing room after so made a quick exit - without even a word for the waiting media.

Very much echo that sentiment (about myself obviously), except for the quick exit as I had to get the DART with the lads. Some very poor decision-making by me had a huge bearing on the game.

We’ll be back though Aggers.

We show a remarkable ability to lose these close games. We had them on the ropes but were consistently slower to the breaking ball. That’s what lost it for us in the end. Heartbreaking stuff.

Yeah as we said last night we lost it in the battles for inches. We were fine with the ball and weren’t bad generally without it until it broke to someone and they just won every race to a free ball and most 50/50 challenges. We conceded some horrible goals and were probably unfortunate with some chances at the other end but we didn’t deserve to win because they wanted it more.

I still can’t get over how lacklustre I was.

well lads. sorry i couldnt make it last night to be ‘chopped down’. im in scandanavia at the moment scouting for new blood for next season. by all acounts though, my fringe players put in a solid performance. lacking the usual flair of an aggers victory but a more hard fought ‘ugly’ win. leaves me with quite a selection headache for the remainder of the season though. ill be faced with a similar selection dilema as faced by the great brian cody.
best of luck in the race for second place. looking forward to the exhibition match at the end of the season when we meet again.

A cowardly act to hide from the robust challenges that were coming your way. You may have one the battle dagger but you shan’t win the war.