Very quiet here today

Where has everyone been?

Fucking Foley

The website wouldnā€™t work for most of the day for me

Itā€™s because this place has gone to shit.


As long as there are 6 of us here to post it will never be shit, peace out. Dullard!

It was broken Friday night and most of Saturday.

Rocko had to shut it down because someone from a teaching training college posted something defamatory about Davy at one o clock on Saturday morning.

Luckily Rocko like all legendary Internet moguls stays up late on a Friday night with a couple of bottles of Guinness monitoring the content and was able to nip it in the bud.

[quote=ā€œFagan ODowd, post: 835203, member: 706ā€]Rocko had to shut it down because someone from a teaching training college posted something defamatory about Davy at one o clock on Saturday morning.

Luckily Rocko like all legendary Internet moguls stays up late on a Friday night with a couple of bottles of Guinness monitoring the content and was able to nip it in the bud.[/quote]

is Davy reading this site 24*7 or what?
seems to be a pretty sensitive cunt but the comment was out of line i suppose

[quote=ā€œmickee321, post: 835206, member: 367ā€]is Davy reading this site 24*7 or what?
seems to be a pretty sensitive cunt but the comment was out of line i suppose[/quote]

The ip address of the same teacher training college is blocked by the lads on Clare hurlers after someone leaked an injury on the Clare panel through it earlier in the year.

Davy is all seeing, all knowing.

[quote=ā€œFagan ODowd, post: 835203, member: 706ā€]Rocko had to shut it down because someone from a teaching training college posted something defamatory about Davy at one o clock on Saturday morning.

Luckily Rocko like all legendary Internet moguls stays up late on a Friday night with a couple of bottles of Guinness monitoring the content and was able to nip it in the bud.[/quote]

We were lucky he was wearing the cloak of ā€˜Rockoā€™.

[quote=ā€œMark Renton, post: 835216, member: 1796ā€]The ip address of the same teacher training college is blocked by the lads on Clare hurlers after someone leaked an injury on the Clare panel through it earlier in the year.

Davy is all seeing, all knowing.[/quote]

Puke banned a whole country from posting there as well,
@Kid Chocolate[/USER] and @[USER=1061]twiceasnice97 were warned about their posting as well i believe ( mind you that post on friday night on here was diabolical shit but funny) in case it would unsettle the team as the freak is so fucking paranoid he has fellas watching the net 24-7

Iā€™ll take a PM if itā€™s not too much trouble. Thanks.