Vladimir Putin - GOAT

France ate standing four square behind their European counterparts the Russians on this.

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I’m a trotsky

A Trotsky who loves a man who aided the fleecing of Russia’s wealth into his own and his friends (until they aint his friends any more) pockets?
You sure about this one mate?

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Do you wear a tinfoil hat?

Depends on the weather.

Are Russia really that thick to use a nerve agent that would be easily traced back to them. Sure there’s a 100 other ways they could have offed yer man and had plausible deniability. I doubt Putin is that clueless. Unless this is exactly the reaction he wanted. But what does he gain from it ?

He sends a warning to any other would be traitors. He shows that he is a strongman to his “electorate”. (There is an election coming up you know). He winds the Brits up who give Safe haven to some of his opponents. Putin knows that the Brits can’t hurt him really. The banks and real estate guys still take that filthy Russian money.


You could apply most of the same Threasa May. A very cunning move.

He gains everything from it. Chaos in the west, a siege mentality in Russia with him cast as the nationalistic hero, the country uniting behind him (like they had a choice). His enemies shitting themselves, his allies fearful of him.
If he had taken out a full page advert in the London Times saying he was about to use a nerve agent called Novichok, synthesised only ever in one place in the world, which happens to be a millitary facility in Russia, he couldn’t have been more obvious.
He’s a fucking genius.
A corrupt, hateful, war mongering, baby killing cunt. But a genius compared to the state leading pygmies around him.

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chaos in the west? for bumping off a traitor?

war mongering?

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Ah Jaysus Fagan.

The Tories’ position on this is like Marco Rubio complaining about guns while taking loadsamoney from the NRA.


I’m not buying it. How will it improve the Russian economy and more importantly Putins bank balance. He is allegedly the richest man in the world. This will cost him billions. Hes a shoe in for re election. he doesnt need to be playing these games. if anything the people with most to gain are the hawks in the the US and Britain. Whats his agenda. It’s not ideological.

Putin’s agenda is power and fear. This type of attack is terrorism in the purest sense of the word.

I’m fairly astonished that anybody would be so naive as to think he wouldn’t be so brazen as to order an attack like this. The whole point of it is its brazenness and the publicity surrounding it, the same as with the poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko in Ukraine, the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, the poisoning and murder of Alexander Litvinenko, the murder in custody of Sergey Magnitsky, the murder of Boris Nemtsov on a bridge in the centre of Moscow. All these were brazen acts of terror. Mafia-style tactics. That’s what he does.

Russia and the KGB/FSB have a long history with this sort of stuff. They were involved in the poisoning of Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov on Waterloo Bridge back in the 1970s. Why do that when it would so obviously become a major news event?

Sure why would Kim Jong Un order the murder of his brother in a crowded international airport with huge crowds and CCTV all around? Because that’s the type of place where people can see it.

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He’s a cold war era KGB thug, mate. That kind of training doesn’t wear off with the use of a few decent suits.


The fall of communism was a mistake

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He’s a bad 'un.

I don’t think so. But it resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union politically, economically and socially and a loss of global prestige. Putin has worked at home and abroad to “make Russia great again”. Sounds familiar?

Yes - Enda and the Blueshirts promised to make Ireland great again in 2011 — There’s no getting away from the similarities between Putin’s Russia and Fine Gael.

That’s the essence of his appeal alright. The lads in the Baltic are right to be nervous.

Isn’t it better that the world, or more specifically the UK, sees what Russia is anyway? All the investment money that floods into London is blood money. No harm for the Brits to catch a sight of it every now and then.

Didn’t the cunts just roll out the red carpet for the man responsible for a famine in Yemen that is on the verge of killing millions? The faux-outrage over one lad getting poisoned is farcical.