Vladimir Putin - GOAT

he’s buried in London …in a communist plot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


“In 2017 Russia decriminalized some forms of domestic violence. Under the new rules, the maximum punishment for someone who beats a member of their own family, causing bleeding or bruising, is a fine, as long as they do not repeat the offence more than once a year.”

I’d say there are a few lads here would move to Russia so they can give their wives a good hiding once a year.

The TFK misogyny mob all love Putin and Russia

They’re pretty silent when Russia’s war crimes are exposed like last evening on C4 News where a report showed a Russian fighter jet following a group of White Helmets around the countryside of Idlib and then attempting to bomb the shit out of them multiple times resulting in the death of one of them

That’s fucked up. I hope the commander was court martialed for such a paltry return

they sorted out ISIS in Syria right quick …oh them Ruuusians!

Putin is a real leader. Russia has always been a friend to Cuba.

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Ukraines not even a real country

I love the way fake news media like bbc still use the word annex in relation to Crimea. Chewing the fat with a few lads in a region that voted >80% to be part of Russia is described as a grave breach of the Ukraine’s sovereignty :grinning:


Crimea needs a backstop

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Hon Vladimir!

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The bould Vlad is up to his old jiggery pokery again.

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The entire Russian government has resigned.

Putin has a government?

Had, he’ll have a new one tomorrow.

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Plenty more where that came from

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My Russian expert tells me Putins plan B is to merge Russia and Belarus and name himself president of the new country resetting the counter on his presidencies to zero. Or naming himself as some sort of figure head president of the two.

Poor auld Vlad has billions stashed away but he’ll never get the chance to enjoy them. A dictator can’t retire

You mean his selfless vocation to the betterment of mother Russia can never be enough in his own eyes.

Senate win for Trump, UK out of EU.
Hell of a night for Gangster #1

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