Vladimir Putin - GOAT

Don’t have to.like the guy but fuck me, he sets about his business in some manner. You almost have to admire the crafty cunt, cunt and all as he is.

Greatest shit-stirrer of all time

He’s the greatest diplomat of the modern age


A diplomat’s bread and butter is diplomacy. Not quite sure that’s his greatest talent at all at all. I’d say he gives two shits to diplomacy.

Vladimir now controls Iran, Syria and the US senate. He is a colossus.

Don’t forget the mother of parliaments .

The Czechs don’t appreciate Vlad

A very good article about Putin’s Russia, well worth investing in reading the whole thing.
Much of this universal and not just confined to Putin’s Russia

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Last day of voting for Russia to enact a new constitution that will limit any new President to two terms. Of course that’s starting from now so Vlad’s counter will be reset to zero and he can run two more times. He’s put the vote in with a few other proposals like pension increases and minimum wages raises, and a vote for one is a vote for all. There’s also something in the fine print about the bould Vlad being immune from prosecution when he retires.
Saving democracy in Russia single handedly :clap:


:grin::grin: I didn’t realise he had thrown the other things into the vote.

Straight from the FF play book

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It’s why trump loves him , no swamp in kremlin area of Moscow.

He’s an absolute scumbag and all but, you could argue, he does make the lives of most Russians better…

You could also argue he doesn’t, especially given as the crown jewels of the state assets were stripped and made multi billionaires of a clique overnight.
Like pj and the Limerick hurling fraternity cc @Batt_the_Ladd

The grestest political leader of his generation, by a mile.


Compared to yeltsin things are much better

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How so mate?

Life Expectancy a lot higher now