Vladimir Putin - GOAT

If it doesn’t work on you, the gulag will.

Putin has designs on bringing Belarus back into Russia altogether. It’s basically a satellite state at the moment propped up by Putin.

Your man refused to engage in unification discussions so it’s entirely plausible Vlad is up to no good as revenge.

Spent time in Roscrea. That would certainly steel her for the current situation.


She probably even worked in the meat factory too

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Think it says in the article that she did!

Russia approves first Covid-19 vaccine, Putin says


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What a guy!

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A lot of lads here owe President Putin a big apology. I’d advise them to be quick about it too.


It’s too late.

They already have taken a backup of the TFK servers.

There’s no amount of back tracking that will save them now.

@balbec fucking leg it mate

It’s ok. My in-laws were party members back in the day.

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I put a word in with my intermediary in Red Square. You’ll be alright bud

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I wouldn’t drink tea for a week if I was you…

Giving the embattled Belarussian President a dig out by lending him $1.5bn.
What a guy.

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