Vladimir Putin - GOAT

Does longer life equate to better life? We should be looking to reduce life expectancy to save the planet.

Aren’t Russia a huge exporter of fossil fuel?



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Short and sweet. Thanks mate

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It was Yeltsin who gave away the state assets but that is beside the point there’s a great book on it by Bill Browder. It’s called Red Notice and it’s absolutely fucking mental what went on over there after the fall of communism

Not for double agents


Isn’t Putin reputedly the richest man in the world?

Ya but sure who knows if that’s true.

He didn’t create the Oligarchs but they pay him large sums of protection money so he doesn’t uncreate them

I think he does if they don’t toe the line :slightly_smiling_face:
You’d want your head examined not to if you were an oligarch.

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The cost of doing business.

Yeah. Lads who disagree with Putin tend to be very accident prone


Hard to understand. "Keep six billion and accident free, or seven billion and watch out for that slippy shower mat beside the razor blades "

How is Putin positioned with regard to the protests going on in Belarus? Is Lukashenko an ally or puppet?

Lukashenko is their version of Putin. They are not allies anyway. I’d say Russia is behind the protests tbh

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The lass that “lost” the election is on Radio 1 soon and seems she spent he childhood summers in Tipperary .

She should have picked up some lessons from Mick Lowry while she was there

Putin would probably prefer a new man in there now. Or just scare Lukashenko enough to keep him on side.

If you are going to rig an election at least make it look a contest - for optics if nothing else

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An incumbent getting 80% share in an election where people queued around the block to vote for change is a serious mandate in fairness