Vote Mick Wallace


Has Mick come out? Good luck to him.

Heā€™s been out as a massive arsehole for sometime

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I knew youā€™d be delighted. Youā€™ve had a serious horn for him this last while.

Why the need for the gaybashing?

I have no problem with gay people, havenā€™t I wished ye the best.

More homophobic slurs. Unsettling. This is a mature forum now, try keep up.

Ian Dale calling out the Wexicans

What hope have we with the Wexford people and simpletons like @mikehunt

Mickā€™s solidarity with the people of Palestine is similar to the vast majority of Irish politicians.

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Still making excuses for the Cunt

Mick is pro Palestine. Whatā€™s the problem?

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Mick is a cunt

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Because heā€™s pro Palestine?

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You know what you did.

He was canvassing in Ennistymon today. Spoke to everyone by all accounts .

He was at the Cork Limerick game Saturday too

His son died today, donā€™t know what of. Rest in Peace Joe Barry Wallace.


Fagan saying on another thread the poor lad suffered a stroke. 29 years old. RIP.