Watchyourtoes has broken Estebans fragile mind

You’re a shit bike rider as well.


What, deliberately misquote me again? Great achievement

He’s only in it for the lycra


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Estaban was a bizarre character but was too easily led by the woke mob down the path of virtue signallance. The lies you have to tell yourself to follow that ideology can not and do not lead to a happy place.

He took a few swipes at proven internet heavy hitters cough and it didn’t work out the best for him.

I’m sure he’ll be back in time, with fewer, better quality posts. The race to the 3 millionth post could have been a factor in his over contributing here also.

Don’t forget your golf forum :smiley:


Its okay pal I feel the pain about being abused about the misfortune of living in cork too. Could be worse could be from there

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The only time I’m ever really called names is by LIDTF merchants over on the COVID thread(s). I’m right and they are wrong so that softens the blow considerably

He’s not legged it again has he?? :sweat_smile:

He was a great lad, and very fond of me. I could have stomped all over him for going against me on the ivermectin thread. But I let it slide. I was equally charitably towards @Julio_Geordio, @backinatracksuit and @Malarkey. “Come out of the rabbit hole” they said.
That’s just the kinda guy I am.

That’s advice the Hutches shouldn’t have taken.

You just cant stay away from trouble can you?

Its trouble that can’t stay away from me mike.

You’re a great guy and the giro d’italia you’ve given on the casedemic has caused many posters to question the fabric of their beings.

But you realise as do most that the INTERNET is a warzone. You have to roll with the punches, know when to hold em.

Let’s hope as esty passes Killarney this time he’ll fall off the donkey and realise that

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Thanks so much buddy. You’re a great guy yourself, the way you have awkward lads like @iron_mike hopping like sausages is a joy.

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