Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

It seems strange statement that he is stepping out for a year. It is not like he can go traveling unfortunately.
There were rumours that he was going step away but I would have expected it to be retirement. But that statement leaves the door open.

Id imagine his line of work with Bank can be done from home.
There are those within that organisation who would love to see people back in the office though.

His back is broke from all the puck outs he had to take in the All Ireland final


Maybe it is ā€˜retirementā€™ but as you say, leaving the door open if his mind changes. Odd to step away now when youā€™d think we are on the cusp/not far away with Cahill and the current panel and weā€™ll be rolling into next year quite quickly with the intercounty season over in 6 months. Iā€™m sure he has he reasons.
While he has been a great keeper, I think Billy Nolan and Shaun O Brien are quite capable of stepping up. Iā€™m more concerned re TDBā€™s injury.

is de burca injury defo cruciate?


jez all star quality keeper and centre back gone

game over ball burst for waterford in 2021?

Iā€™d say they are fucked yeah.

Itā€™ll be an opportunity for others

Sure Limerick lost two members of a quality full back line and coasted to an All Ireland. Weā€™ll go again.


The young lad who came in for TDB played well. Stepped up on Lynch and stifled him he was running the show when TDB was still on.
SOK is a great shot stopper but his puckouts were mediocre and puckouts are more important these days.
Both losses obviously but not fatal I wouldnā€™t think.
Would any of the lads who took the year out be back @Fagan_ODowd?

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Youā€™ll have to ask them @Julio_Geordio. I donā€™t know any of them.


Is Liam Sheedy still working with them?

No. Out out out.

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Conor Gleeson and Philip Mahony could step back in and that young lad Daly

all the same though

Liam Seedy has a no show job with Teneo now


Yeah. It actually went very early in the game and he tried to play on. The clip we saw on tv was went his knee completely collapsed as he went to turn and go after a ball.

If Darragh Fives ever got fit he would be a very good centre back. Thing is he is a bit of a sick note and always seems to pick up a long term injury.

I had heard a rumour that he did his cruciate in the lead up to the game and that it just went from under him in the game, that they knew there was an issue before the game but he trained coming up to it and wanted to play with it and see how long itā€™d last.

Could this be true?

I have not heard that rumour at all tbh.
Be a huge risk to take and I doubt Cahill would deem it worth it it would be fairly undermining to the rest of the squad if you were to start a player who was crocked. That would be my thoughts in it.
I must ask a few lads in the know and see if they heard anything.

Cody started Shefflin in an All Ireland Final with a torn cruciate didnā€™t he.

I played with a torn cruciate while I awaited the surgery. Couldnā€™t turn so had to adapt a bit. Itā€™d go out of place and Iā€™d have to come off but itā€™d be OK again 2 days later. Probably fucked cartilage doing that though