Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

This is very odd and something that will probably backfire spectacularly.

He had Donegal lads eating 3 dinners per day to win the All Ireland 10 years ago and has failed at pretty much everything else since. Heā€™s hardly a revolutionary in terms of preparation either. Thereā€™s surely another Caroline Currid type figure out there that they should be hiring?

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It smacks of desperation

And Sheedy gone to monaghan. As Christy Moore said. They come here and we go there

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It is possible that they see him as the closest thing to a Kinnerk like figure out there. Itā€™s widely acknowledged that they are the closest team to Limerick ATM. I assume they have their s&c in order and they may see this as another part of the jigsaw that they need. Something tells me that heā€™s not there from a psychological perspective.

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It smacks of downright madness to me. In the aftermath of his treatment of Kevin Cassidy I wouldnā€™t trust that lad to feed a dog for me if I asked him.
Heā€™s been stealing a living for nearly 10 years from institutions daft enough to hire him. Oh heā€™s fine and dandy on the telly with his musings and theories on how to do it but heā€™s a bullshitter, no more, no less.

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I only asked a question

He blew a second All-Ireland by losing to one of the weakest Kerry teams to ever win an All-Ireland.

Not starting Paddy McBrearty the same day was lunacy.

I canā€™t imagine heā€™ll have anything to do with the coaching.

Heā€™ll probably go down there once a fortnight to impart some nonsense to them about his experiences.


Not in that post you didnā€™t :thinking:

Donā€™t be so pedantic

You draw it out of me

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Glad to help

Would you think heā€™d need paying for his time and travel expenses or would he just be doing it out of the goodness of his heart?

The resident Waterford expert is keeping tight-lipped about this coupā€¦ā€¦

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Ah come off it. He took a team of also rans and won an all Ireland and changed the way the game of football was played while he did it.

Waterford are full of money now.

Had a huge surplus last year.

Theyā€™ll give him a house on The Gold Coast for the summer too to keep him sweet.

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They were there or thereabouts for a year or two before winning it, just needed the discipline enforced. Football was altered in the mid to late years of the previous decade by Tyrone, Jimmy saw the angle and ran with it.

He was only in to have a talk with the squad last week. Not sure there is any other further involvement than that.

And the whole city saw him.

There was talk he was the man for the RSC.

Half the place is linked to the RSC if you were to believe the rumours.
Hearing Ian Morris is to be new manager.