Welcome @Dziekanowski to the forum

Standard MO for the far left resistance. Destroying peopleā€™s lives and livelihoods is a small price to pay in the battle against perceived Nazis.


Thatā€™s disgusting. Whoever the forum member who sent that PM is should be ashamed of themselves.

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You sent it sid. You tried to get the place shut down via Twitter. If you were a man youā€™d apologise.

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Iā€™m not ā€œSidā€. Whereā€™s your evidence that I sent it? Iā€™ve only been registered here two and a half weeks. So how could I have sent it?

Iā€™ve no personal problem with these fellas but the lack of self respect is incredible, how is it possible to be that reliant on a forum full of cranks and oddballs??


Speak for yourself.

Whereā€™s the evidence that happened?

they may be cranks and oddballs but, in the main, the site is made up of decent and honourable oddballs and cranks, in spite of their bravado and bluster. ive received PMs and emails from posters with help, suggestions and support for various different things, ive also sent info when posters have had problems/issues.

thereā€™s a core of decency here just the odd screwball who could fuck the whole thing for everyone just because they lost an argument on the INTERNET


Good post. Youā€™d think @Mac would be used to it by now

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You had a stated objective to ā€œbring the place downā€. Are you odd because Sid almost achieved it

Yes but I apologised for my actions. I was angry and I was wrong.

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Fair play to you. You did, now I remember.

You seem to have mellowed a lot. Great to see

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I was going through a difficult period in my life.

When you due again?



Hi sid


I dont think his main account on the election threads is causing much bother tbh

Are you on about @anon60384913 / @AppleCrumbled threatening to contact my employer and wife?? I donā€™t think there was any other incidet of this happening on the forum