Well Fuck it anyway. The Locke dropped a clanger thread

Spent the morning cleaning the car. Had the fucking thing pristine and a bird decides to have a scuttery shit all over the bonnet. Iā€™ll have the cunt for dinner tomorrow

You could have phrased that a bit better :grinning::grinning:


You have a miserable existence


It cheers me up no end though to know it s not as miserable as yours.

Iā€™ve just showed a few guys at the yacht club your post they sniggered


How many refugees did ye manage to smuggle in this time?

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Thereā€™s something about this belt of sun that has caught the birds unawaresā€¦ they are shitting like itā€™s about to go out of fashion. My windscreen looks like a painterā€™s radio.


Did they leave you much of a tip?


No. They just fucked him over the pier

Bumped for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Forgot to take out the contact lenses last night before I fell asleep.



Had you drink in? Happened to me before. Be grand.

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At least you saw Limerick win one before they had to remove your eyes


I didnā€™t. Only started wearing the contacts more often recently so still in the habit of taking off the glasses and just going to sleep. Eyes were very red this morning.

Iā€™m not sure of what use iā€™ll be to the Romanians if I cant see :grinning:

Fell asleep there after the dinner and just after waking up after about 2 hours. Iā€™ll be trawling the night watchmen tonight

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Youā€™ll be starving by 8pm as well.


Our work lotto syndicate had 3 out of 4 numbers in the Plus 1 draw. One number away from a nice return each :cold_sweat:

Bookies or shop. In the shop youā€™d get around 40 quid,

Bookies. 7 ball draw 3800/1 :cold_sweat: