A thread to log your little mishaps on a daily basis or even just vent.
Did you crash the car agin?
I’ve just had a shave there. First one since Christmas morning. Bathroom is like a scene from Reservoir dogs
Thin blood after too much alcohol makes for perilous shaving .
Actually didnt really do the dog on it this year. Went out the Saturday night before Christmas and had a good sup. Other than that I’ve had a glass of whiskey every night before bed
Got one of these recently, no complaints with it.
Thin blood, thick shite.
Got engaged there 19 years ago
Was it you or the wife who torched it?
A bit late now. I should have torched it that morning
Aye, been there- and I’m not talking about the restaurant
I saw a few of the tyrone lads trying to shift in there a few years ago. Some girl turned down Cavanagh - he lay down holding his nose and got her thrown out.
Must have been my wife
Sounds like she’d have got him thrown out
As long as she got out with her purse intact, I’d call it a win.
She’d have been safe enough with that tyrone dive monkey pahal
I wasn’t referring to him.
First time I’ve ever heard Cafe En Seine being referred to as a restaurant
As in you planned to propose in Cafe en Seine?
No no
It was a bit more like this