Wexford GAA 2012

Count / Mac / Bandage - can one of you send a copy to me also? email address is briantinnion @ thefreekick.com (without the spaces).

I was confused by Brendanā€™s analysis also. I presume he is referring to the ratio of current assets to current liabilities which is worrying in itself. Iā€™d be far more worrried by the ā‚¬3m in what I presume is long term debt. On a rough calculation based on interest rates of 4% the monthly repayments on that over 25 years would be ā‚¬15,835 per month. Where are they going to find that kind of cash? Iā€™ll hold off on future speculation until I see the document itself though.

the major problem i had with the account was that they pitted the (hugely inflated) valuation of our assets against our debts, so as to make it seem that we were in the black.

Thatā€™s why I asked the IFRS versus Irish GAAP question, count.

Iā€™m open to correction from the more match fit accountants but I think International Financial Reporting Standards require you to reduce the carrying value of fixed assets in the accounts if you believe their value has been impaired. In effect, you should consider whether the asset values need to be reduced to reflect current market values on an annual basis when preparing financial statements.

I think (again open to correction) that traditional Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow you to value assets at their historic cost.

Iā€™m not sure if IFRS applies to something like a sub-unit of the GAA (Appendage? BT?) but I donā€™t think there should be a scenario where fixed asset values were increased when the market was rising but have been left at that level even though land and property values have plummeted.

Is this what has happened, count?

[quote=ā€œcroppy_boy, post: 637392ā€]

Manager: Paul Dempsey; [/quote]

What is Dunneā€™s job title if this fella is the manager

Itā€™s just for this weekend. Dempsey took the development squad through their paces originally so I think that Dunne is taking a scouting role over this one. Iā€™m open to correction on this though.

[quote=ā€œchewy louie, post: 637402ā€]

What is Dunneā€™s job title if this fella is the manager[/quote]

This is a ā€˜development XVā€™ and Dempsey is managing them. Heā€™s an U21 selector.


I presume the selector Sean Dunne is a brother of Liam. Or some relation at least

No, heā€™s the famous property developer mate.

pretty much bandage itll be evident when i furnish yuo with the docs. martin quigley of wexford town did the accountsā€¦

@Bandage - Irish GAAP is generally consistent with IFRS these days and if I was involved in preparing accounts for a company in a similar situation then Iā€™d be expecting to record a large write down on any property assets.

That said, I have zero experience of working with regular companies or smaller ā€˜real economyā€™ companies so I have no idea what accounting standards they may be applying. Iā€™m aware there are some other standards out there that they may be using such as FRS for SMEs but Iā€™d be surprised if they allowed you to avoid recording a write down on property that was clearly impaired.

I think Appendage may have better insight in this area than any of us and I await his input.

Iā€™m quite excited about seeing the accounts. My initial questions are:

  • Were the accounts audited by an accountant or merely prepared by an accountant?
  • Who do we owe the money to?
  • What are our main sources of income?
  • What are our main expenditures?

I donā€™t think Appendage reads this thread, BT. Could you reach out to him privately to ask those pertinent accounting questions? What a treat this thread has been today - a lovely mix of GAA and accounting.

[quote=ā€œcroppy_boy, post: 637398ā€]

Itā€™s down for Patrickā€™s Park at 2pm on Sunday.[/quote]
Both games in Belfield I believe

Not according to here itā€™s not. http://www.wexfordgaa.ie/

[quote=ā€œcroppy_boy, post: 637411ā€]

Not according to here itā€™s not. http://www.wexfordgaa.ie/[/quote]
Sorry yeah. Football moved to Patricks Park so as not to ruin Belfield.

emails sent gentlemen.

Thanks count. Will hopefully get a look at it tonight.

Just catching up on the great Brendan Furlongā€™s articles online.

ā€œYou, Chairman, are a breath of fresh air!ā€ - Maria Nolan Enniscorthy Hurling & Football Club to Diarmuid Devereux.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Was cunt (Ger Doyle) present at the meeting?

i propose to change ger doyle (cunt) to cunt (ger doyle).


I believe the correct term should be ger cunt doyle or ger spit doyle