What am I doing to stop Climate change

great idea by @Sidney re the hedge, ill also do this

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Great stuff - you donā€™t just talk the talk, you walk the walk

or cycle the cycle


What better way to combat imaginary climate change than by planting imaginary hedges

you are a disgusting person

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No more solid fuels or Dirty Oil.

I shall also refrain from drinking imported alcohol & grow my own Herb.


Iā€™ll give up beer and drink only whiskey thereby reducing my use of glass bottles and cans


good start but we need a lot more mate

You canā€™t go saying things like that just because yourself and sid couldnā€™t co-manage a window box between you.

you are a thundering disgrace

Says the climix

The best way to combat climate change is to stop consuming. Look at the amount of crap bought over the holidays, 90% of which ends up in garages or landfills. Americans have so much crap they have to rent storage units to house it, and will likely never see it again in their lifetimes, and their offspring will get to gaze at it in wonder and then throw it away.

We need to educate our young on reducing consumption. The first step is to lead by example. Next time you are in the supermarket, look at the number of people wheeling around full carts of food. At least 50% of it is going to be fucked out. Also look at the size of many of these cunts, eating 5,000 calories a day when they only need 1,500.

We are a very dumb species.


Theyā€™d have to water the window box from outside because Im sure both have copied @myboyblue with air to water and a heat recovery unit in their air tight house. Windows are only for looking out of now.

i appreciate your previous comments on another thread about buying an electric car mate, a few of your posts on this thread are contrary to that heartfelt comment but ill put that down to bluster

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I was preaching sustainability as far back as 2009/10 and you ridiculed me. This was during your hot butter phase ā€¦ So excuse me if I donā€™t belive you hereā€¦youre a climix.

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All about the picture Windows now

Do less gambling in betting shops to save paper .


Perhaps- but Iā€™m several thousand hawthorn, holly and beech bushes ahead of you and that other eejit- but then you pair are disadvantaged by having to contend with the notion of waiting for spring- maybe youā€™re waiting for the ground to thaw or something
You literally couldnā€™t make it up

Stop trying to pass the buck onto the species

Take some personal responsibility

Arenā€™t you a farmer?

You are part of the problem

Rewild your land