What Climate Crisis?

A teacher of mine projected in class one day that I’d never make a living looking out of a window. I told her I’d be a millionaire before I was 40…we were both wrong.

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Make Air Travel more expensive.

Stop Subsidies for Air Travel

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The answer was staring you right in the face!

Bollox. Just pass a law that people who dont work don’t go on holiday. Very very oxo

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Gibbons is a fucking ape


Perhaps it’s the people that drive them that do the killing.

Yes, but also the nxo

Ive a lot of time for Gibbons, one of the good guys

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A gibbon ?

Climate catastrophe. Like when wasn’t there climate catastrophe? Eejits

Anybody know what nxo means?

Whatever happened to the Ozone Layer?

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Some colossal chips on both shoulders with that bucko.

He’d be a good subject for psychological analysis, serious anger issues there.

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We fixed it, with cow farts.

We sold fridges. The end.

A thoroughly unlikeable individual. Don’t think he does his cause any favours to be honest.

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His cause?

Bitter and sour. Like a pimple on a boil.

His mother was a legend and made some contribution to farming and society. That Doom goblin is a disgrace to her name.

Did you miss @RaymondCrotty post or do you simply not care?