What Climate Crisis?

There were nearly 2 million cattle killed in Ireland last year. The greens will be over the moon. If the farmers agree to continue killing 2 million a year, they’ll surely be happy. Maybe if they killed them younger and used them for Veal it would reduce emissions even further. They’d love that surely

John isn’t available for comment either, he must be at silage.

Hysterical headline but if we keep getting dry summers the national herd will decrease anyway.

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Any man not out killing innocent cattle hates nature


You’ll be glad to hear that my ground grazes really well in a dry year

That’ll change over time.

No doubt…weather generally does


Exports of cow, sheep, pig meat and poultry amounted to almost €3.2 billion in 2020 with exports of bovine meat and offal accounting for over two-thirds of this value. There were 472,000 tonnes of bovine meat and offal exported in 2020, with a value of €2.1 billion.

In 2020, Ireland exported €2.7 billion of butter, milk and cheese. Butter accounted for 37% of the export value of these dairy products, recording exports of just over €1 billion.

Ireland exported almost €900 million of infant formula in 2020. Over 40% of these exports, valued at €364 million, were exported to China. The UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Germany along with China comprised the five largest markets for this product.

Ireland imported 75,000 tonnes of potatoes in 2020, with a value of €35 million. We also imported 38,500 tonnes of onions (€23 million), 25,000 tonnes of tomatoes (€46 million), 25,000 tonnes of cabbage (€26 million) and 20,000 tonnes of carrots (€12 million) in 2020.

You want babies to starve now? My fucking god.

Climate change is devastating the Global South | Climate Crisis | Al Jazeera

Bangladesh has been flooding for the last 40 years mate, go again.

The results from letting green fools dictate policy. 90% of animals released in a rewilded area in Holland had to be put down after starving.

55000 deer need to be culled in Ireland after letting them run rampant for the last 20 years.

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@Ambrose_McNulty 01/08/21 “ryan is a headcase wanting to reintroduce wolves & lynx”
@Ambrose_McNulty 30/5/23 “save us from the 50000 feral deers”

The deer, wolves and greens need shooting.

Why don’t you just farm deer?

Looks like the usual climate warriors had a great time in mullingar last weekend


What’s the context mate?

ive no idea, he posted a photo of a treeless field & has implied its a gotcha against people who love their kids.

would be good to know what was happening in the field that led to the litter & is he equating litter in a field to something?

Ah sorry princess. It’s the usual doss day for climate simpletons getting their practice in for electric picnic. So called « life » festival last weekend.
