What Climate Crisis?

Simpsons did it

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Be grand

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Hope ye enjoyed the 3 week summer, back to typical Irish weather now, climate change my arse

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A 4x4 would be the sensible option there…those footery wee cars are a liability

Looks like the lazy Zaragoza council didn’t clear the drains out



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This isn’t a climate crisis, it’s a crisis of plebs recording every fucking thing they see and uploading it to the Internet.


“could” :astonished: :astonished:

It’s a climate crisis and you’ll realise soon enough.

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For your fourth degree did you study climateology?

You can try and dismiss all you like. People will adapt and the world will change but it is happening.

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good news out of China mate & i read a great article about the speed of renewables across the world speeding up faster than expected & its now on a S curve* , there is hope mate despite the TFK awkward squad

  • @padjo explain to the folks on here what the S curve is

Enough said :joy: :joy:

Cabbage heads would believe anything. Just like China’s 20 year long economic growth rate of 8%.

Ya it’s a few cabbage heads who he U.S spending 500 billion over the next decade dealing with climate change.

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