What Climate Crisis?


China leading the way.

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great news

Renewable Energy Is So Cheap Fossil Fuels Used in Electricity May Have Peaked - Bloomberg

@padjo , the S curve please?

Climate change deniers are the definition of stupid at this stage, so entrenched in their Stone Age beliefs that they’d much rather see the world burn than admit their stupidity

climate change deniers, delayers (@MountLeinster etc) & doomers are all equally bad

this guy is good for positive news



On that, you imagine a fair wedge of the pollution in China and India is off the back of US companies placing manufacturing orders there.

I wonder is there a similar graph that takes it into account? Consumption another layer that could be added that’d surely change the balance.

Pointing at the emerging lads lets the big the bellied west off the hook a bit

How does your statement relate to the image?

Transport is up

SUVs are the cause

And also someone on twitter said the same thing

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That is pollution rather that just CO2, India and China are the main cause of the ocean pollution as well.

Ireland produces beef for 55 million people across Europe yet we’re swallowing the carbon footprint for it.

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Beef is a luxury item and takes a lot of resources tp produce

Surely that’s movement if goods as supply chains finally catch up after the COVID lag?

I see that Ewan is among this number as well :joy:
Christ almighty what a hopeless cunt he is :man_shrugging:

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This McKenna fella seems to have a big following on TFK .

Something something cows…



It’s called grass.

Yes, i posted the stats earlier, agriculture is the biggest laggard

Why import millions of tonnes of cattle feed

Why not produce something which produces more food per acre