What Climate Crisis?

Who’s South Korea’s biggest nemesis?

Which squad are they in?

Emissions from air, sea and land travel and freight fell away to nothing during covid. Did we see any effect on the weather? Duh…

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Goat farmers Manuel and Pablo need a bit of fresh growth

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Interview with some climatologists on Morning Ireland finishing up with this beauty of a statement……

“ we’re having hotter, wetter & sunnier summers “

Have we no news in Ireland during the Summer?

Licence Fee for this?

Hotter, wetter and sunnier. An excellent each way bet


Everyone’s a winner…
Oprah Winfrey Car GIF

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Isn’t it astounding that the EU want to cull animals in Europe but at the same time import 100,000 tons of beef from South America, where they’re cutting down the amazon for farming. Fucking cabbage heads.

EU aims to ‘settle differences’ with Brazil to ratify Mercosur deal


why are you guys importing so much animal feed from Brazil mate


Most of that’s from England and France, just a short hop away. Why are you lying to the forum?

Are you for real?

@admins, make this thread a sticky

If them dirty Brazilians are killing the cows we can take the moral high ground. That helps the environment most of all

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Things were a bit shit for the elderly during Covid. Get your point about pubs being closed for the youth though. Long lasting implications etc.

There’s lots of scar tissue about it for older people, it ended up finishing off a lot of traditional/personal traditions and making them lose their bottle in general about other things.

The working from home thing was one positive, but a lot of the inflation that’s crippling people stems for covid and financial stimulus. It can’t be all levelled at the war.

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More old people I know wanted the pubs than young people. More old people I know think the lockdown was bullshit too


BTW, I met a neighbor of yours at BlackRock there yesterday. “How do you know him?” She asks
“Errrrr, I ah, used play hurling with him”



I met him on d’internet.

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Another headbanger by the looks of it.

How’s the temperature in Italy today? Anyone left alive in it.