What Climate Crisis?

Chances are everyone that got a covid vaccine will die.



Cool Hand Luke O’Neill has joined the Climate Change Franchise. On Newstalk today, advising on how not to get melted.

Kelle Supreeze.

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What would you consider safe- how many adverse reactions in what size of cohort?

Give us your opinion of that bro, a brief synopsis

They’re making some apes of us :joy:



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They’ve finished with you a while ago, now working on the rest of us.


don’t look up

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You tell me. You are the one making declarations from a viewpoint of absolute certainty.

Tis really wojous to be going the same road as Gemma O’Doherty.

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There’s surely nobody in this harem that puts any worth in that lunatic though?

Nuance seems to be in short demand.

Sounds like itll be a bumper year for hurricanes

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What data, trials, studies etc have led you to make such a declaration of absolute certainty? Or did some lassie on the telly assure you?

Hard to believe nasa are in on this hoax too

1880 mate. Let that sink in and look at the timescale of the earth.

They also weren’t measuring temperatures on airplane runways in 1880.

You’re being lied to, constantly.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is not a reliable man

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It hit 200c in my air fryer today. Surprised it didn’t make the news.

We are in a crisis alright, but it ain’t the climate.


Fear is your only god on radio.

They learned it during covid

“In an age when all the grand ideas have lost credibility, fear of a phantom enemy is all the politicians have left to maintain their power.”

Adam Curtis, “The Power of Nightmares”

ISIS, Saddam, Putin, Covid, Climate. It’s only a matter of time until UFO’s & aliens become the next phantom enemy.

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