What Climate Crisis?

They’re out to get ye lads.

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Radical left, communists and marxists. Laptops and papers in the shower.

Alien lives matter will trend on twitter. Its a part of their culture to probe you

Alien is a derogatory term. We prefer to use otherplanetary friendship beings and a bill to make interplanetary sex, marriage and adoption legal is being rushed through parliament as we speak.

This forum is full of loonies mate. @glenshane is a normie here.

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There will need to be a clause in the hate speech bill to refer to our new interplanetary citizens. District 13 will be banned

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‘This just the beginning’ – world suffers in extreme heat as scientists warn what comes next is ‘truly terrifying’

Back under the bed for @mikehunt & co

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Covid didn’t work so they are going all in on this Climate Change bullshit


no no mate, just make small changes to your lifestyle to prevent this

its quite easy tbh


Tremendous stuff.

There is no better way to travel than by rail.


The fish in the pond are dying….

When is the climate change due to startup here?


Stormy weather is what is predicted foe ireland. Rain to increase

Next May when the temp goes over 20 degrees for a few days, you’ll have the usual retards at it


This man is a special type of stupid, he doesn’t even know the difference betwee “climate” and “weather”.

Ah so if we get some right hot weather, that’s not the global warming? It’s the stormy stuff that’s the problem here

Google it mat3, the epa website has some goor info
Morw storms, more rain, stronher wind, flooding

No your word is enough for me m8.

Just glad the hot weather has nothing to do with it