What Climate Crisis?

They’ve no idea so everything will be just worse.

It’s hard to tell when you’re serious,

Are you basing your opinion of global climate change on the daily weather of a specific part of a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean?


No it’d be absolutely mad to do that.

I fancy our chances at the European court of human rights to get a slice of the action with this particular global catastrophe, or at the very least a handsome compensation package.

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He is very good

Farming our fine soil since 1959!!!

"He rarely visited after 1963 and sold Martinstown House in 1971. At 6 ft 4 in (193 cm) and weighing 110 kilograms (240 lb), along with his scar, he was easily recognizable and caused speculation among the English and Irish press as to why he was in Ireland. One Kildare resident recalled Skorzeny as someone who "wasn’t particularly friendly and [who] didn’t really mix with local people".[[3]]"(Otto Skorzeny - Wikipedia)[52

Right yeah.

The most dangerous man in Europe


This Fogarty lads seems to be an awful windbag. A D4 cunt lecturing farmers about nature. He can apply for a job on John Gibbon’s 750 acre farm.

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He has the IFA-DUP in a right hoop altogether whoever he is

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No one ever heard about him yesterday, he’ll be forgotten by then end of the week.

I see the fires in Rhodes are started by arsonists

Of course

All fires are man made, whether accidental or not

Lightning strikes?

Offaly cunts would get up to anything. I’d pass no heed on them.


When he finishes throwing his toys out of the pram

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Any TFK guys in Lake Garda this week?