What Climate Crisis?

Anywhere there’s a diesel car.

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Coffee beans on the other hand, and the world might just stop turning



You’re missing out. Big lump of a baked spud with sour cream, chives and bacon. Good Lord, tis some ating.

Surprised with your interest in gardening and self-sustainability, you haven’t a patch of them growing. Hardy out and no maintenance. Flower nicely in spring too

I’ve always considered them a nothing herb. The sort of thing a lad would throw on a baked spud to try and make himself look sophisticated

No, they add flavour. I’d they’re not to hand, spring onion, but they can be too strong

It’s just a basic oniony flavour, nice to add to lots of things.

I’d consider parsley the ultimate nothing herb

No way. Potato salad. Or try making a gremolata next time you’re doing roast spuds.

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I’ve always considered the flavour too mild.

The fresh ones add a lovely bit of flavour to something like eggs.

I don’t eat eggs.


Its irish cows lads.

yes mate, methane is dreadful for the planet so the Irish cows are ruining our futures

Shur we’re all going to drown anyway

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Here we go!

No better way to win a US election than to start a war :alien:

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Spare a thought for a few of the bedwetters on here. They’ll lose whats left of their minds.

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Is there anyone left alive in Italy?

I was over visiting my elderly aunt last week. It was absolutely sweltering and they were all wearing three piece suits and ties. Zero notice taken

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Covid wiped them all out in March 2020, do you not remember all the coffins beimg moved by the army?

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