Anywhere there’s a diesel car.
Coffee beans on the other hand, and the world might just stop turning
You’re missing out. Big lump of a baked spud with sour cream, chives and bacon. Good Lord, tis some ating.
Surprised with your interest in gardening and self-sustainability, you haven’t a patch of them growing. Hardy out and no maintenance. Flower nicely in spring too
I’ve always considered them a nothing herb. The sort of thing a lad would throw on a baked spud to try and make himself look sophisticated
No, they add flavour. I’d they’re not to hand, spring onion, but they can be too strong
It’s just a basic oniony flavour, nice to add to lots of things.
I’d consider parsley the ultimate nothing herb
consider parsley the ultimate nothing herb
No way. Potato salad. Or try making a gremolata next time you’re doing roast spuds.
It’s just a basic oniony flavour, nice to add to lots of things.
I’ve always considered the flavour too mild.
The fresh ones add a lovely bit of flavour to something like eggs.
The fresh ones add a lovely bit of flavour to something like eggs.
I don’t eat eggs.
Its irish cows lads.
yes mate, methane is dreadful for the planet so the Irish cows are ruining our futures
Dr. Jonathan Foley
Shur we’re all going to drown anyway
Sky News
“In an age when all the grand ideas have lost credibility, fear of a phantom enemy is all the politicians have left to maintain their power.”
Adam Curtis, “The Power of Nightmares”
ISIS, Saddam, Putin, Covid, Climate. It’s only a matter of time until UFO’s & aliens become the next phantom enemy.
Here we go!
Former US intelligence officer claims US government has recovered 'non-human'...
CREDIT: US HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE A former US intelligence officer has claimed the US government recovered a crashed UFO containing "non-human" biological material.
No better way to win a US election than to start a war
Spare a thought for a few of the bedwetters on here. They’ll lose whats left of their minds.
Is there anyone left alive in Italy?
I was over visiting my elderly aunt last week. It was absolutely sweltering and they were all wearing three piece suits and ties. Zero notice taken
Covid wiped them all out in March 2020, do you not remember all the coffins beimg moved by the army?