What Climate Crisis?

Anywhere muldoons are burning turf

The cabbage heads are gas. Vast majority of them are city dwellers that put serious stock in their monthly trip down the country to see the inlaws or whoever. It’s very important to them that the countryside looks a certain way on these trips down the motorway, and it’s not fields of grass or ugly cows they want to see on these rare jaunts.

To a man/woman/zee or zer they’ll agree that any changes we make in this country are absolutely negligible from a climate change impact pov, but we need to plough ahead for the sake of optics and “we’re all in this together” vibe. They can’t see that a cull of cows in Ireland means an increase in supply from Brazil where more Amazon will be cut down.

The only ones to benefit from this are the likes of Eamonn Ryan who’ll get plenty of back claps out in Europe and a plump job when he’s fucked out on his hole by the electorate.


Millions of tonnes of animal feed come from Brazil so we can feed our cows so we can export protein shakes and premium priced butter to the middle east.

More lies from you, you scumbag. Millions of tons :smile:

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He/she/it has fuck all to say too about the tens of thousands of wood chip being horsed up to edenderry from foynes with over 4000 truckloads per shipment required to move it.

Absolute stone cracked headbangers

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Insanity of the masses

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It’s likely I could live an extended period of my life in an ice age like the day after tomorrow

Highly likely I’d say.


but hey, @padjo cant say no to a big mac

I see a lot of squiggly lines. Things cant be good

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This is the type of shit we need to stop

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One thing covid and now our climate crisis has shown us, is that our nurses are very talented virtue signallers. Pity they wouldn’t draw more attention to failing healthcare systems, with mass inequality in patient care.


In fairness the world wouldn’t stop turning if you couldn’t get chives (I’m not sure I’ve ever used them) but the farms reply was pretty robust and presumably it is good for the Ethiopians involved.

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Shouldn’t have taken the vaccine so

I like to put chives on my scrambled egg and chorizo. I have a plant outside the back door.

The farms reply is fair and they are only responding to demand, but as you say, the country won’t grind to a halt if there’s no chives. People need to get back to understanding seasonality and just accepting there’s certain times of the year items won’t be available.


I didn’t

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