What Climate Crisis?

The climate change activists really need to get someone other than John Gibbons as their lead social media promoter. His photo looks like the office mug shot of an accounts payable manager.


No worries, theres plenty to spare in China. Bicycles too


Worthless clown.

Schitts Creek Pain GIF by CBC

But but Farmers….

Thank god. If we continue that trend it will make sod all difference but at least Eamon and the boys will have that warm fuzzy feeling they get knowing they’ve made life a little tougher for people

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Cheap electricity and more trains?

Where’s the chap electricity, mate?

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When the wind turbinrs are operatiting in 2027/2028

we will be paying significantly less than we do now

ESB making record profits yet the consumer (and tax payer subsidising consumers cost) getting shafted. Id perder the goverment to tsckle the profit margins rather than give an energy credit. Reward the energy producers of renewables and energy efficient users.

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We will in our holes. We will pay through the nose, as we always have.


Yes, thr current situation isnt great, good that we will be getting off our dependency on fossil fuels and paying a lot less fpr energy

I’m eating two steaks today.


That won’t happen. Nothing is ever cheap in this country. Eamon and Co will see to it we are taxed to the high heavens.

Meanwhile climate change will go on as it always has.

Incorrect, the price of electricity is 125 mwh and at one stage last year it was 200 per mwh

The price agreed at the wind auction was 86 per mwh

Its such good news

The auction price has been agreed mate.

Dont be so resistant to good news

I agree, a lot of good work being done, the record profits are backed by not passing on the drop in fossile fuel proces to consumers, break that link to fossil fuels and we wont have the issue. Other concerns i have is the grid needs a massive overhaul to enable more renewables to be connected. Payback periods for domestic solar also needs to be dropped for about 6 years to 1 or 2 years. Every roof in ireland should have at least 4kw panels by 2030, where possible depemding on roof area obviously.

I dont buy the climate emergency rhetoric (the overall macro effect that the world is about to end etc) but i am fully behind energy security, beating peak oil, stopping evil oil companies profits and Ireland exporting energy. Burning shit for energy is terrible for the environment regardless

Take that down or you’ll have every conman, trickster and potential millionaire unable to get funds out of Uganda, knocking at your e door

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Bang on the money. Irish people will be rogered for electricity prices, as they always have.