What Climate Crisis?

I wonder did he keep a straight face as he typed it?


Hard to say, he seems to have abandoned his sense of humour along with his common sense


Rules for thee, but not for me


For those of us who recall many bad summers in this fair isle….Gulf Stream doomsday scenario a la Guardian is the usual rollout….yawn

It’s gas if we started off with electric cars and were moving towards petrol/diesel it would be the same crowd on here giving out

Some would say, its gasoline.

csi miami deal with it GIF

which summer was as bad as this?


that wasnt an el nino year mate, try again

So just to be clear, you’re asking when did we get a wet summer in a non el nino year?

It’s all made up, all of it. Just so they can tell Jonny Breakfast Roll Van Man, you can’t air travel cheaply any more, he should stay in the pod and eat the bugs, watch his screen.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and Fintan will travel half the globe to discuss progress for a climate symposium in Singapore though.


At least one of those articles is completely wrong. I assume a misinformation warning has been placed alongside them?

The Covid crisis, the climate crisis and whatever the next bullshit crisis is can be summed up with that statement.

I wonder will there ever be a crisis that actually requires us to pay less tax?

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No need for the climate psychos in Ireland, everything is going great.

Very well said.

Net zero will never happen. To throw their best catchword around, its not and never will be sustainable.

He is a chump

You don’t like facts.